7. Computer controlled machining

This week I used the router cnc to make a furniture



When I was first Designing it I wanted it to be a desk with a drawer but I didnt come up with a solution to how to make it without nails or glue so in the end I scraped the drawer and my sister wanted a desk where she could do crafts so in the end I made one.

I designed it using solid works and it wasn´t very dificult the only problem i had with was the assembly

To download the parts and assembly files click here

After I had everything I saved the files as .dxg to put them on vcarve

in vcarve i exported the design in the dxf format and first selected the pieces and closed the lines that where open and made made dog-bones for the corners .

then selected the type of cut i would be doing for each part, here i only used the roughing and contour options, which are the first two form left to right top row in thge image

finally i exported it and was ready to cut.


I Went to the router and adjusted the configuration on it so it would cut properly and put it to work.

And here is the final result assembled



Designing a piece and using the router isnt difficult but it requieres that you are fully aware of what you are doing as you must pay a lot of attention to your mesurenents and make sure that the specifications for your router such as the mill and the milling speed is correct and also assembling just by force without glue or nails is not difficult it just take time and a pretty good hammer.