What Will It Do?
- PCB Design: Custom layout integrating the XIAO ESP32C3 microcontroller, display drivers, power management, and connectivity features.
- Casing: Ergonomically designed casing with buttons and D-pad, utilizing 3D printing and molding for mass production.
- Software Interface: User-friendly interface for game navigation, downloads, and settings, plus the development environment for game creation.
- Electronics: Microcontrollers, display (LCD or OLED), batteries, speakers, PCB, LEDs, resistors, capacitors, diodes.
- Casing Materials: Plastics for molding, possibly rubber for grips, metal for structural components.
- Miscellaneous: Cables, screws, connectors.
- Microcontroller: $3-$5 per unit for the XIAO ESP32C3.
- Display: $10-$15 per unit.
- Battery: $5-$10 per unit.
- Complete BOM (Bill of Materials): Estimated total cost per unit for all components might range from $50-$100 depending on volume and sourcing.
- PCB and Electronic Systems: Including all integrated circuits, display systems, audio output, and power management.
- Mechanical Systems: Includes the casing, button assemblies, and any moving parts like the battery compartment.
- Software Systems: Firmware for the microcontroller and software for the user interface and connectivity features.
- PCB Manufacturing: Involving etching, drilling, and possibly multilayer fabrication.
- Injection Molding: For mass-producing the plastic components of the casing.
- 3D Printing: For prototyping and possibly for final production of certain custom parts.
- Assembly: Manual and/or automated assembly processes for putting together the electronic and mechanical components.
- Feasibility: Can the proposed features be integrated within the cost and size constraints?
- User Experience: Will the design be user-friendly and appealing to the target demographic?
- Scalability: Can the production be scaled to meet potential demand?
- Durability and Reliability: Will the device withstand regular use over an extended period?
- Testing: Both hardware and software will undergo rigorous testing, including user testing with target demographics for usability and satisfaction.
- FabAcademy Feedback: Post-launch feedback will be crucial to evaluate the success of the GameShine console in the market.
The GameShine console will provide a portable gaming experience with a focus on retro-inspired games along with modern titles. It will feature downloadable games, multiplayer capabilities through WiFi or Bluetooth, and programmable features that allow users to create and share their own games using MicroPython.
Who's Done What Beforehand?The concept of portable gaming consoles has a rich history, with major contributions from companies like Nintendo (Game Boy, Nintendo DS), Sony (PSP, PlayStation Vita), and more recently, with independent devices like the Raspberry Pi-based handhelds (Example: The Lameboy and PiGRRL). These devices have explored various aspects of portable gaming technology, from hardware design to software ecosystems.
What Will You Design?The design elements include:
Components like microcontrollers, displays, and batteries will likely be sourced from electronic component suppliers and manufacturers, both domestic and international. Plastics and other raw materials for the casing may come from specialized suppliers in the plastics and composites industry.
How Much Will They Cost?The cost will vary based on the sourcing strategy and quantities ordered, but preliminary estimates include:
Here are the materials for the PCB:
Qty | Description | Price | Link |
1 | XIAO ESP32S3 | 23.82$ | https://www.amazon.com.mx/dp/B0BYSB66S5?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details |
1 | XIAO ESP32C3 | 19$ | https://www.amazon.com.mx/Seeed-Studio-XIAO-ESP32C3-Microcontrolador/dp/B0B94JZ2YF/ref=sr_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.PJZ5qt6-xZ7WdePVkPq-uZGEIjak7KUfu-v_WzzGLBkBKkMsVs0fM9_ku60D_UlAkwFeU4IBo8sV8Ee2qVRmUJRYG5PFu_zphMw1BHtR_0d0T1cBKFRsRJCZbbNQV4udAy8e_jlQQVekKDejrkcN0Armi22hlVGNVS0yataA9HxTod14YOClgQSQEbpWxBMhQf2YQ2VyvSSd7ITf0-GKnS4yskJFCq7P5Mz6H9BMXaKMIkYQCl-_06u_y-qWA6cMngN1RbD5YRy2lto-tOCIU-zXA1-9HPcz74Q0XharMQI.RAqqOKgELwZFUeqH7NcQg5JuNUg83818NU8EOiU-6tg&dib_tag=se&keywords=xiaomi+esp32c3&qid=1718216930&sr=8-1&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.242f5c11-6cfd-40d6-91f6-be3d1974080c |
20 | Pin Header | 10.88 $ | https://www.amazon.com.mx/HiLetgo-unidades-Pitch-Single-Header/dp/B07R5QDL8D/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_es_MX=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=17JNBUBVSGQNI&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.UifjtcCY_nZn6sYFyOeC8XVBOIkJT4YIYxvFicKIW5UjEgeIzSP29kBBzRKob1O_LbMJIpwbNOKW2NCvqHFMcQou2OEzUDgmR0Oq6ReyHfoC41zFzEj5jWnon4rK_EKS1G3MJT4tLvEx4OB-52yCzjJGcQ4ljvtQF0g-tRdXo6ru4oaKZ0MmRFBrYLqHt7LoBprVPy4_ELsmTgrt3-DAouAtJN3Jq3tiiHrTW10MNbrfOr3IEVBNurFnqJjRfZud6V2ts71ys4iyj19Yoov2AdgkQiQtg9HB1crmbwgjQm8.c7ka9viVSfSjRHTujJSmcJIx8oTDdkpuq3OC3XAXxIU&dib_tag=se&keywords=pin+header&qid=1718216535&s=industrial&sprefix=pin+heade%2Cindustrial%2C113&sr=1-1&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.242f5c11-6cfd-40d6-91f6-be3d1974080c |
1 | Copper Plate | 3.47$ | https://www.amazon.com.mx/Baquelita-20x30-Placa-Fenolica-Cobre/dp/B0BFC69CMD/ref=asc_df_B0BFC69CMD/?tag=gledskshopmx-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=629844921294&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16577397819503830501&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9073959&hvtargid=pla-1945865227583&psc=1&mcid=3d41740f5319375b9048d93974134240 |
7 | 1k Resistances | 18.00$ | https://www.amazon.com.mx/dp/B0BZJXFFHF?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details |
Total Cost: | 75.17$ |
And here are the materials for the project:
Qty | Description | Price | Link |
1 | PCB | 75.17$ | Manufactured by me |
1 | ILI9341 Display | 11.52$ | https://www.amazon.com.mx/dp/B0C4761ZJG?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1 |
1 | PLA 1.75mm Transparent Filament | 11.46$ | https://www.amazon.com.mx/Filamento-SHANDABULIU-Impresión-Dimensional-Transparente/dp/B0C8SJQHQV/ref=asc_df_B0C8SJQHQV/?tag=gledskshopmx-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=673223094394&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16798009837175887650&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9073959&hvtargid=pla-2249559725741&mcid=87c21040b6753b4ba8c89a825b73dc76&th=1 |
1 | PLA 1.75mm Red Filament | 23.94$ | https://www.amazon.com.mx/Filamento-impresora-Creality-resistente-dimensional/dp/B0BYDH6LYM/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.J_dudLTK78BizJWOnl4J9gmK7eUp3d_VdP4sHz3qjsTtoWgduoPmdIR-r2ebl7AITBwubhqCdp6Wa3L61Uu6Jbvkc81ecEeFnEwmO8pcqidWXqBNtdofrMeHd-p58sl5zpznR-rleL80oenrv399Wx7-I1CkfESzE07lqtb6--BX2i_k2VZZPWlCP0CmMyz1S78fAmxhiBx7Ng0zK5ff4gvx1jBepwT3TEs0oKe57wWPnxABNt2p_Dyfa8hdKZip6gymcBFLxNpsKrtn-b_kBcJu43hhAPMXJCvmuxYXBv4.wYVVZYV2zdA9szJ-gN1Q_zJJHEoFxjLw9s2OZ3OKihs&dib_tag=se&keywords=red%2Bfilament&qid=1718216773&sr=8-1-spons&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.242f5c11-6cfd-40d6-91f6-be3d1974080c&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1 |
1 | SNES Controller | 23.62$ | https://www.amazon.com.mx/dp/B07JPQY66K?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1 |
Other (Soldering tin, DuPont Cables, Tape.) | 5$ | ||
TOTAL: | 150.71$ |
In the programming part I have enough knowledge to do really cool things, however, in the electronics part, I have very little knowledge and it is complicating a lot.