Final Project

Aquabudz| Features| Sketching


Welcome to AquaBudz, the ultimate underwater adventure playground where kids rule and fish school! Think of it as a real-life 'Finding Nemo,' except you're also growing lettuce. It's like having a mini ecosystem in your living room, where the only thing missing is a talking crab teaching music classes.


  1. Top-Level Biofilter - The Plant Penthouse: Up here, plants are living the high life, literally. They lounge on a bed of clay pebbles, sipping on nutrient-rich water, and gossiping about the fish downstairs. It's like a rooftop garden, but without the rooftop... or the soil.
  2. Middle Level - Hydroponic Raft of Leisure: Imagine a lazy river, but instead of lazy people, it's got lazy plants. These plants are just floating around, soaking up the good stuff without getting their feet dirty. It's the plant version of a day spa.
  3. Bottom Level - Fish Tank Fiesta: Home to our finned friends who are more than just pretty faces; they're the engine room of this operation. They turn fish food into plant food in a way that would make any recycling enthusiast weep with joy.
  4. The Neil deGrasse Tyson AI Experience: We packed in an AI so smart it could be Neil deGrasse Tyson's digital twin. It dishes out spacey wisdom about plants and fish with a side of cosmic charm.
  5. Parental Bragging Rights via Telegram: Because what's the point of your kid being a mini-genius if you can't brag about it? Get updates on your phone about how awesome your child's green thumb is turning out to be.
  6. Expandable Like Kids' Imagination: Start small and grow big. Just like your kids' ability to make a mess, AquaBudz grows with them.
  7. LED Lighting - Sun Schmun, Who Needs It?: Perfect for homes where the sun is just another celebrity in the sky. These LED lights are like having a tiny sun indoors, minus the heat and the sunburn.
  8. Sensor Overload: We've got more sensors than a paranoid UFO hunter. Temperature, humidity, light, water quality - you name it, we measure it.
  9. Coding for the Knee-High Crowd: Simple coding tasks that make your kid feel like they're hacking the Pentagon, but actually, they're just watering plants.
  10. Safety First, Because kids are Wild: No sharp edges, no toxic gunk, just good, clean fun.



Vibrant and educational illustrations that tell the AquaBudz story. Each drawing is a mini-adventure in this vibrant ecosystem, showcasing plants, fish, and the magic of science. And don’t worry, these drawings will be updated as our project grows, just like your little one's knowledge about the wonders of aquaponics.