Applications and implications

This week, I will be uploading everything needed to develop and create my final project: The smart dog house

Smart dog house

what will it do?

In case of an emergency or if you need to leave your home for an indefinite period of time, the smart dog house will be your best option for keeping an eye on your dog and ensuring that their food and water supply doesn't run out while you're away. The smart dog house will feature a camera that allows you to monitor your dog via an app, ensuring they are inside the house. Additionally, it will have two dispensers that automatically refill the food and water bowls when they are low.

Who has done what beforehand?

In 2017, Visual Communications Company (VCC) developed a product similar to the one I am working on, albeit with different features. One of these distinctions is that VCC's product offers temperature regulation, whereas it lacks an automatic system for refilling pet food and water when they are running low. Here you can read the description of the producto of VCC

What will you design?

For this project, I will need to design the entire dog house, the electronic board with their microcontroller (XIAO ESP32 C3), the dog bowls with their containers, and the app to monitor the camera.

What materials and components will be used?

Qty Description
1 15 MM MDF 1.22 X 2.44 M
2 Servomotor
1 Water sensor t1592
4 Weight sensor XS-112

where will they come from?

The electronic components will be sourced from online stores like Amazon or physical electronics shops, while the PLA and MDF will be provided by FabLab Puebla.


Qty Description
XIAO ESP32 C3 $9.90
3x 15 MM MDF 1.22 X 2.44 M $30.90
2 Servomotor $14.99
Water sensor t1592 $0.72
4 Weight sensor XS-112 $6.98
Total 125.29

What parts and systems will be made?

I will design and cut the dog house using a CNC machine, assemble the electronic components onto a board, and then program the microcontroller to follow the desired process. Additionally, I will create an app to monitor whether the dog is in the house.

What processes will be used?

The processes I will use for the project are as follows:

  • Design the dog house in 3D using SolidWorks
  • Cut and assemble the dog house
  • Print the bowls and containers
  • Design the board
  • Solder and program the board
  • Create the app to connect to the camera
  • Record the final video

What questions need to be answered?

  • How can I refill the containers?
  • How can I clean the bowls?
  • Is the PLA food-safety?

How will it be evaluate?

The project can be evaluated based on its functionality, the proper operation of its mechanisms, and the presence of any faults. Additionally, it should be assessed for its adaptability to the specific dog it was designed for.