Mechanical Design, Machine Design.


The primary goal was to design a CNC capable of accommodating a Dremel, as if this tool works on the machine, practically any other tool could also be compatible.
In our Group task we show how we made this machine from scratch and the contribution we all made to it.

My contribution to group work

For this week I have to cut the 15 mm MDF with the CNC cutter. In order to create the support for the machine, my colleague RĂ¡ul he gave me the file in G code, so I could cut the wood and have the structure of the CNC

  • When you finish cutting the MDF, assemble all the pieces and put white glue on each assembly so that it would not be unstable when cutting
  • I also had to make some adjustments to the stretcher, specifically to hide the screws that were sticking out. This meant disassembling the entire assembly and rebuilding it from scratch. I had to refit the washers and bracket in 3D to make sure the screws were as hidden as possible, thus giving a cleaner, more polished look to the stretcher.
  • Finally, I also had to design the presentation design of the machine. I used the canva program since I wanted to create a design with a predetermined color palette and make it easy, since the program gives design options in a very simple way
  • This was the result of our CNC cutter...Which by the way works quite well

  • Files