Output devices

For this week's individual assignment we were asked to add an output device to a microcontroller board that I designed and program it to do something. Here you can see the group task

ESP32 installation on Arduino

First in the tools option I will open my board manager and install my ESP32 board to have communication with my microcontroller.

After that, I will open the tools option to select the ESP32 with which I am working in my case it is an "ESP32 DEVKIT V1"

I will choose an example to be able to send a signal to my board. File option>example>ESP32>AnalogOUT>LedFrequency

Once the code example is loaded, click the Verify>Load button, it will be compiled after this.

This is the code I generated as an example:

By clicking on a button on the board it will load the example of the code that was automatically generated for an ESP32

OLED screen and ESP32.

Para empezar a programar mi pantalla OLED primero necesitaré descargar las librerias correspondientes para poder hacer que funcione. yo descargue la Adafruit SSD1306 y tambien la Adafruit GFX library.

Despues la opcion de Herramientas>Placa>ESP32>ESP32 MODULE V1 para seleccionar la placa con la cual estoy trabajando


Archivo>Ejemplos>Adafruit SH110X>SH1106_128X64_i2c_QTPY

cargar y compilar y se deberia ver así

este es el codigo fuente del programa:

Useful links to help u (;

Code Example
