About me🪤
Isaac Antonio Pérez Alemán
Mechatronic engineering student

¡Hello, I'm Isaac Antonio👋!
I am a mechatronic engineering student at Ibero Puebla, a young visionary with a Jesuit philosophy who has fully committed to making his way as a foreigner in Puebla. Originally from Minatitlán, Veracruz, I have expectations of a future where we become a civil society, where the engineer of the future will be more sustainable and will be the reason why we become a great society. My focus is on combining academic excellence with service to others, always seeking innovative and sustainable solutions to the technological and social challenges we face.
When I was 15, my dad taught me to play the piano, guitar and drums. 2 years later I took music production classes which opened the door for me to be able to participate in a Mexican film in the cinema, as composer and producer of the music Llamada locaxamor (he left a photo at the press conference for the film).

I like to do sports, preferably outdoors, like cycling 🚴, fishing 🎣, golf ⛳️, soccer, I think any outdoor activity and if it's with my dog I like it even more.

In 2020 I did my first business which was a face mask, it went quite well since I was the 3rd in my city to get it and the marketing I did was very organic since at that time everything was supply and demand.

In 2021, with the help of my sister, I decided to open a waffle and milkshake restaurant next to my face mask business. Thank God it went well at the beginning because it was an experience and flavor for me, but, however, I We had to close, since I couldn't take care of everything at the same time.

In 2022 I created my own brand of glasses called the party glasses, it was very profitable at first since I sold them in clubs but as time went by the school demanded more and more of me and I had to close it

I started a flower business 🌷 in 2021 only for the month of February, it was not profitable but I learned a lot about flowers and how to care for them.

And the school made me start a new life, from 0, lately I have seen that there are ups and downs but I have always noticed that with God's help everything can turn out well.
A year ago I began my research path into renewable energies as fuel alternatives and made my first prototype of a hydrogen generator in order to make the most of hydrogen as green energy (it was second place in Expoibero).

My new hobby is visiting cafes or aesthetic bars, enjoying a good coffee or a good wine with good music and finding new spots to admire the sunsets because sometimes the simple things are the ones that can best be appreciated.

> But more than anything I like difficult challenges.🧗♂️
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