1. Project management

Hello intriguing reader, welcome to the first week of this journey, in this week we have a busy agenda, that include creating our own webpage, learning the git and cloud based git software, think,sketch an idea for the final project, add the neccesary parts to the website and sign the student's Agreement, so lets start with the first block:

So, what is version control?

Version control is a system that manages and tracks changes to files, particularly source code, over time, It allows developers to revert to previous versions, compare changes, and allows simultaneous collaborative work, Git is the most widely used version control protocol, offering a decentralized approach where each contributor has a complete history of the project. Other version control protocols include Subversion (SVN), which uses a centralized model where a single server hosts the repository, and Mercurial, which is similar to Git in its distributed nature but emphasizes simplicity and performance.


Git, a distributed version control system, revolutionizes collaborative software development with its powerful branching system. Branches in Git allow you to work on isolated features or fixes without impacting the main codebase. By creating a branch, you can experiment, test ideas, and make changes independently. Once a feature is complete or a bug fixed, the branch can be merged back into the main branch (often called master or main). it runs locally with previous installation and you can upgrade the experience with cloud computing appliances like Github or GitLab improving colaboration across devices and developers, it has many commands in order to create, merge, clone, upload and check the status of a repository, that's why I got this cheat sheet (credits: Danny Adams).

To start using git we need to run it locally so go to the Download links and choose the one for your PC, when you install it and choose to have git in the root of your computer you will gain access to two new options git GUI it's a visual interface to know the status of your branch and the new terminal git bash.

When you open this new terminal you can use the command git innit to create a new git file and then git remote add origin "GitLab repository URL" to log with your credentials.

Let's suppose you have added and edited a bunch of files and now you feel ready too upload your changes too the cloud, use the commands in the next order: git status(to see what've changed) / git add . (to upload al the changes to) / git commit -m 'a message'(wraps the changes) / git push (send them too the cloud), if you see an error related to credentials login, just check if your email and name are well written and you have logged in your gitlab account.

Steps to clone a repository

In the cloud servers like github or gitlab, on the top right of a repository is a button called code, there you will find options to extract the code and all documents of the repository, the easiest method to clone something in your pc is using the https clone tool, with the (git clone {https key}) command in your git terminal you can clone easily any project even if you dont own the credentials, using the ssh method requires you to create keys in every computer you clone, then those keys will be need to be added in your profile, thats why in this case because we are working with gitlabs and the login doesnt take many time I've used the https method.

web development tools

Selecting an IDE

One of the most impactfull things in web development and programming is the application where you write the code, you can do it in the default text editor but choosing a powerfull tool improves the way you code with formatting and highlighting, the most popular ones are: sublime text, visual studio code and jetbrains stuff; i choosed vscode as i like the community and the power it has.

What i recommend you is to allways have a lot of folders to keep track of your items, as you can see the file manager inside VS code is really easy to navigate and every time you need to work in just open it form the main folder and have all your files at handle.

Other usefull part of vs code is the addons and themes manager, you can get the one that makes you understand your code easier and powerfull addons like this live server addon wich is really helpfull.

Usefull websites and libraries

I'm not a big fan of the bootstrap library, i feel is a little bit discontinued, and when talking about style and design that's a very bad signal, so i recommend other sites like: freefrontend.com, you can use the examples from this site for inspiration or take the designs give credit and change them to make them yours.

Giving my style to the webpage.

The first step (as it's permitted) is to clone a template to use as my working bench, the template provided by our local instructor, Rafael Perez template looks elegant and easy to edit in order to create my own design.

Things to change:

  • Twist the page style
  • Edit the landing page first block
  • Change the weekly Assignments looks
  • Add night mode
  • Create gallerys.
  • Create containers style
Font selection
I've chosen the font: YsabeauSC. Font file
Created a better description of the page.
Description and diamond look, like xbox achievements, page to give that style: click!
Night mode
Using the color-scheme property in css, and the next .js
Twisted this original design: Youtube

The base .html file

Click the link to download the .css, the .js and the webfonts, with a raw html to edit, to give style and build your html page you can use one or more of the elements combined or alone presented below, you can also create unique ones in the .css with bigger names for an easier understood.

Element Name Purpose
<a> Anchor Used for creating hyperlinks
<abbr> Abbreviation Represents an abbreviation or acronym
<address> Address Represents contact information for the author or owner of a document or article
<area> Area Defines an area inside an image map
<article> Article Represents a self-contained composition in a document
<aside> Aside Represents content indirectly related to the main content
<audio> Audio Used for embedding sound content
<b> Bold Makes text bold without implying any extra importance
<base> Base Specifies the base URL for relative URLs in a document
<bdi> Bidirectional Isolate Isolates a part of text that might be formatted in a different direction from other text outside it
<bdo> Bidirectional Override Overrides the current text direction
<blockquote> Blockquote Represents a section quoted from another source
<body> Body Represents the content of an HTML document
<br> Break Inserts a line break
<button> Button Represents a clickable button
<canvas> Canvas Used for drawing graphics via scripting (usually JavaScript)
<caption> Caption Defines a table caption
<cite> Citation Represents the title of a work
<code> Code Displays a fragment of computer code
<col> Column Specifies column properties for each column within a <colgroup> element
<colgroup> Column Group Specifies a group of one or more columns in a table for formatting
<data> Data Links a piece of content with a machine-readable translation
<datalist> Datalist Contains a set of <option> elements that represent the permissible or suggested options available to other controls
<dd> Description Detail Provides the details or definition for the preceding term (<dt>) in a description list (<dl>)
<del> Deleted Text Represents text that has been deleted from the document
<details> Details Represents a disclosure widget from which the user can obtain additional information
<dfn> Definition Represents the defining instance of a term
<dialog> Dialog Represents a dialog box or other interactive component
<div> Division A generic container for flow content
<dl> Description List Represents a description list
<dt> Description Term Represents a term in a description list
<em> Emphasis Marks text that has stress emphasis
<embed> Embed Embeds external content at the specified point in the document
<fieldset> Fieldset Groups related elements in a form
<figcaption> Figure Caption Represents a caption or legend for a figure
<figure> Figure Represents self-contained content, like illustrations, diagrams, photos, etc.
<footer> Footer Represents a footer for its nearest sectioning content or sectioning root element
<form> Form Represents a document section containing interactive controls for submitting information
<h1> to <h6> Headings Represent six levels of section headings
<head> Head Contains meta-information about the document
<header> Header Represents introductory content, typically a group of introductory or navigational aids
<hr> Horizontal Rule Represents a thematic break between paragraph-level elements
<html> HTML Represents the root of an HTML document
<i> Italic Represents text in an alternate voice or mood
<iframe> Inline Frame Represents a nested browsing context, embedding another HTML page into the current one
<img> Image Embeds an image into the document
<input> Input Used to create interactive controls for web-based forms to accept data from the user
<ins> Inserted Text Represents a range of text that has been added to a document
<kbd> Keyboard Input Represents user input, typically keyboard input
<label> Label Represents a caption for an item in a user interface
<legend> Legend Represents a caption for the content of its parent <fieldset>
<li> List Item Represents an item in a list
<link> Link Specifies relationships between the current document and an external resource
<main> Main Represents the dominant content of the <body> of a document
<map> Map Used with <area> elements to define an image map
<mark> Mark Represents highlighted text
<meta> Meta Represents metadata that cannot be represented by other HTML meta-related elements
<meter> Meter Represents a scalar measurement within a known range
<nav> Navigation Represents a section of a page that links to other pages or to parts within the page
<noscript> Noscript Defines a section of the document to be displayed if scripting is disabled or not supported
<object> Object Represents an external resource, which can be treated as an image, a nested browsing context, or a resource to be handled by a plugin
<ol> Ordered List Represents an ordered list of items
<optgroup> Option Group Groups a set of <option> elements within a <select> element
<option> Option Represents an option in a <select> element or a suggestion in a <datalist> element
<output> Output Represents the result of a calculation or user action
<p> Paragraph Represents a paragraph
<param> Parameter Defines parameters for an <object> element
<picture> Picture Contains zero or more <source> elements and one <img> element to provide versions of an image for different display/device scenarios
<pre> Preformatted Text Represents preformatted text
<progress> Progress Represents the completion progress of a task
<q> Quotation Represents a quoted section
<rp> Ruby Parenthesis Provides fallback parentheses for browsers that do not support display of ruby annotations
<rt> Ruby Text Represents the text of a ruby annotation
<ruby> Ruby Represents a ruby annotation
<s> Strikethrough Renders text with a strikethrough
<samp> Sample Output Represents sample output from a computer program
<script> Script Used to embed or reference executable code
<section> Section Represents a standalone section of functionality contained within an HTML document
<select> Select Represents a control that provides a menu of options
<small> Small Represents side comments or small print
<source> Source Specifies multiple media resources for <picture>, <audio>, or <video> elements
<span> Span A generic inline container for phrasing content
<strong> Strong Indicates that its contents have strong importance
<style> Style Contains style information for a document
<sub> Subscript Defines a subscript text
<summary> Summary Represents a summary or caption for the content of its parent <details> element
<sup> Superscript Defines superscript text
<table> Table Represents tabular data
<tbody> Table Body Groups one or more <tr> elements that are the body of the table
<td> Table Data Defines a cell of a table that contains data
<template> Template Defines a template for client-side content that is not to be rendered when the page loads
<textarea> Textarea Represents a multi-line plain-text editing control
<tfoot> Table Foot Groups one or more <tr> elements that are the footer of the table
<th> Table Header Defines a cell as header of a group of table cells
<thead> Table Head Groups one or more <tr> elements that are the head of the table
<time> Time Represents a specific period in time
<title> Title Defines the document's title that is shown in a browser's title bar or a page's tab
<tr> Table Row Defines a row of cells in a table
<track> Track Specifies text tracks for <audio> and <video> elements
<u> Underline Represents text with an unarticulated, though explicitly rendered, non-textual annotation
<ul> Unordered List Represents an unordered list of items
<var> Variable Represents a variable in a mathematical expression or a programming context
<video> Video Embeds a video into the document
<wbr> Word Break Opportunity Represents a word break opportunity

This is the result of the styles in my page, in a raw page we can detail all the sections, on the top we normally link the libraries and style files (.css) for .html, if wee know for the name of cascade style sheet, that means that every style we define by the origin in the .css can have subvariants but is helpfull to have a pre defined style for each element.

An HTML page is typically divided into several key sections to structure the content and improve user experience. The "header" tag, often contains introductory content or navigational links, like a logo, title, and menu. The *navbar* is a crucial component of the header, typically using "nav" tags, and it provides links to other sections of the website, ensuring easy navigation. The *main* section, denoted by the "main" tag, holds the primary content of the webpage. Following this, the *footer* section, represented by the "footer" tag, includes information such as contact details, copyright notices, and additional navigation links.

Scripts and JavaScript play a crucial role in adding interactivity and dynamic behavior to web pages. JavaScript, typically embedded within "script" tags, allows developers to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM), respond to user events, validate forms, and communicate with servers through asynchronous requests. These scripts can be included directly within the HTML file or linked externally, enhancing maintainability and performance. By using JavaScript, we can create more engaging user experiences that go beyond the static capabilities of HTML and CSS alone.

Thinking of a final project

I started thinking and sketching initial ideas for a future final project, then i asked my self the following questions:

  • Target audience: The target could be every place with the number of adults enough, universities, shopping malls, sport centers, etcetera.
  • Problem to solve: The number of different substances your phone carry in the day to day could help virus and infections to easily spread and harm you.
  • Primary needs and pain points: You might think but it's as simple as buying phone wipes and having a cleaning habit, but no, if people forget to brush their teeth imagine their phone.
  • Similar products and differentiative point: There are tons of similar products but they aren't safe enough, look at this video of the UV discussion as refference, also, the project has a different approach due to its ease of use and accessibility.
  • How intuitive and user-friendly should be: I imagine it to be as simple as a toilet paper dispenser, that will help the project to easily adapt to predefined environments that didn’t initially have a designated place.
  • Environmental impact: Another key point of this item is the ability to reuse microfiber towels, reducing the amount of paper and tissues used.
  • Regulations and standards: I refer to this point when I say I’m not inventing a new UV disinfecting technic, the project will have applied only scientific tested examples.

First sketches

The problem is that cell phones accumulate a lot of dirt, so we need a device that is in charge of disinfecting them. I have already seen that UV technology is very efficient for this, but I would like to add a way to clean the grease, so I need the system to include some way to spray some form of cleaner directly on the cell phone once inside, and it needs something that spreads it and cleans it, similar to a windshield wiper or that has a system of two rollers with microfibers to scrub it.

Section About me

I created a page specifically about me, just for you, to trying you know me a little more, I added what I decided oportune, the first that come to my mind to prentend being original, also remmember to compress all your images around 40-60 kb if possible, just google it and get thousand of options.

Student Agreement

You can easily see the document signed in the about me page.