Hey! I'm Andrea, currently studying Industrial Design at Universidad Iberoamericana de Puebla. I'm lucky to live in Puebla, a city full of culture. The view here is my absolute favorite because of the mountains and the iconic volcano. Although, I must admit, on days when volcanic ash covers everything, it's a bit less charming!

Design approach

From a young age, I've always leaned towards art and hands-on projects. It wasn't until college, that I really got to grips with design and its application in everyday life. I enjoy the experimental side of design, the process of turning my ideas into reality. My goal is to adopt a holistic approach to design, considering not just the final product but also its production and disposal. I firmly believe that while functionality is key in design, there's no reason it can't also be pretty. Even though I'm interested in many areas of Industrial Design, my main focus after graduation is on toy design.


I believe that through play, children develop skills that turn them into creative, problem-solving individuals capable of adapting to change. That's why I'm excited to specialize in this field and contribute to their growth in a practical, meaningful way

Modular Marble Race Track!

This project is designed for large-scale production, with the vision of installing it in public playgrounds to encourage teamwork and enhance problem-solving skills in children. The fun aspect is that each visit to the park offers a new arrangement of tracks, ensuring a new experience every time! The journey began with sketching and then 3D printing a prototype at a smaller scale, which revealed that the concept equally works in a smaller form. The bases of this project lie in its modular design, consisting in three distinct pieces that seamlessly interlock. I'm eager to further explore and expand this design's potential.


Balancín, a toy designed not just for fun but to aid in the development of balance and motor skills in children. It consists in interchangeable labyrinth centers, allowing for customization to suit various skill levels. Versatile in its design, Balancín can be maneuvered with either hands or feet, making it a dynamic tool for physical development. Balancín enhances teamwork and social skill among kids. Originally conceived for the classroom setting, its appeal transcends to the home!


Nativo is an innovative project designed to preserve urban biodiversity. It features a plant pot with a built-in water reservoir and a drinking station for local pollinators, providing them with access to food, water, and shelter. The pot includes three native plants and uses healthy, pesticide-free soil to respect the symbiotic relationship between native plants and pollinators. Equipped with a water pump, Nativo recirculates the water to keep it clean and prevent mosquito breeding. The minimalist and unobtrusive design ensures it blends seamlessly into any space. Nativo aims to foster a deeper connection with nature, highlighting the rich biodiversity that surrounds us.

A bit about myself

I've always been fascinated by languages and the unique ways they shape our thoughts and interactions. Right now, besides English, i'm diving into German and I'm eager to start learning Italian soon. One of the things i love doing is reading, right now youll probably find me reading classic novels (I'm in the midst of a George Orwell phase). Alongside playing piano, practicing yoga is another hobby of mine; it's been an incredible journey of discipline and mental control.

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