Mosq: A very useful tool

Project Proposal



An insect control device is what I want to develop, motivated by the excessive amount of flies in my work space, the idea and the form arises from this initial idea, where I show how it works.

Descripción de la imagen


My project is Mosq, its shape is born from the abstraction of the SPIRAL REPELLENTS, an insecticide that repels insects, especially mosquitoes and flies, the same at the time of being lit manages to create a cone of smoke that rises and disperses to the outside, that is why taking as a reference of form this pattern, the cone is developed as a container element, my product REVOLVES A METHOD OF HOMEMADE INSECTICIDE and integrates effectively the TECHNOLOGY + HOMEMADE TECHNIQUES.

Descripción de la imagen


Mosq is an artifact that is associated with an insect control device that simulates an element that does not allow it to attract insects so that through its body, structure and electronics, it prevents them from being able to approaching the area where it is exposed is mainly composed of the word "Mosquito" in English and also its shape is a consequence of a traditional technique used to scare away insects called spiral

For the Fab Academy, this idea is presented to be used as a reference and demonstration of an easy-to-carry, compact and useful artifact. The purpose of having created it in Cientifica del Sur is also to be able to improve the perception of spaces, so within our There are many flies in the laboratory and the same thing also happens in many rooms, so this device would be a control for this type of pest.

The entire design of this device includes the main idea of ​​making it in a compact conical shape and that is why the processes that were used to make them were 3D printing, electronic production in a drink inside the body and finally the packaging made in laser cutting, special care is taken in the joints and the final finish to present a project that is quite visually striking



Mosq is an artifact that is associated with an insect control device that simulates an element that does not allow it to attract insects so that through its body, structure and electronics, it prevents them from being able to approaching the area where it is exposed is mainly composed of the word "Mosquito" in English and also its shape is a consequence of a traditional technique used to scare away insects called spiral


For the Fab Academy, this idea is presented to be used as a reference and demonstration of an easy-to-carry, compact and useful artifact. The purpose of having created it in Cientifica del Sur is also to be able to improve the perception of spaces, so within our There are many flies in the laboratory and the same thing also happens in many rooms, so this device would be a control for this type of pest.

The entire design of this device includes the main idea of ​​making it in a compact conical shape and that is why the processes that were used to make them were 3D printing, electronic production in a drink inside the body and finally the packaging made in laser cutting, special care is taken in the joints and the final finish to present a project that is quite visually striking