Week 18

Invention, Intellectual Property and Income


Individual Assignment

Take a look:

- Develop a plan for dissemination of your final project.

- Prepare drafts of your summary slide (presentation.png, 1920x1080) and video clip (presentation.mp4, 1080p HTML5, < ~minute, < ~10 MB) and put them in your root directory.


Here is my organization to finish on time:

Organization Of Week 18
Thursday 30Th Organization of completed and missing tasks, review of my schedule
Friday 31st First sketches of the banner and final video/a>
Monday 03th Recording day, scheduling of shots and stays for precise shots
Tuesday 04th Video editing, banner completion and upload to the portal



Mosq is the name of my project, it is an artifact that is associated with an insect control device that simulates an element that does not allow it to attract insects so that through its body, structure and electronics, it prevents them from being able to approaching the area where it is exposed is mainly composed of the word "Mosquito" in English and also its shape is a consequence of a traditional technique used to scare away insects called spiral

For the Fab Academy, this idea is presented to be used as a reference and demonstration of an easy-to-carry, compact and useful artifact. The purpose of having created it in Cientifica del Sur is also to be able to improve the perception of spaces, so within our There are many flies in the laboratory and the same thing also happens in many rooms, so this device would be a control for this type of pest.

The entire design of this device includes the main idea of ​​making it in a compact conical shape and that is why the processes that were used to make them were 3D printing, electronic production in a drink inside the body and finally the packaging made in laser cutting, special care is taken in the joints and the final finish to present a project that is quite visually striking


The entire design of this device includes the main idea of ​​making it in a compact, conical and lightweight shape, which is why the processes that were used to make them were 3D printing, electronic production in a drink inside the body and finally the packaging made in cut. laser, special care is taken in the joints and in the final finish to present a project that is quite visually striking

This project is supported by the MIT license which is characterized by being open source so anyone can enter my website, modify, improve and merge my design without any type of restriction on my documentation.

Everything that the Fab Academy does is for public use and in my case it uses the Creative Commons license that I leave through the following link where you can access to verify the license in greater detail and how it adapts to my project

The features I choose for my project and its license are:

Descripción de la imagen

Attribution: where I give appropriate credit and provide the link to reasonably make changes to my project

Non-commercial: you cannot use the material for commercial purposes

Creative Commons: if you want to make a collaboration transform or build on my material you must attribute the main design to me under the original license


I would like my project to be disseminated through social media and also articles by the Scientific University of the South and also by the Fah Academy where the process used for its development can be shown.

I am also willing to provide the edit files of the 3D modeling so that things can be added or extracted so that the model can be modified with the intention of making it much better or more compact with larger input and output devices.

I would like to share my project globally to companies in the field that develop similar projects and that see in my project a profitable business idea.

For my dissemination plan that will be directed to a target audience, I plan to publish the project also Linkedin and Instagram, with the publication of the video and the diversification of the same I hope to reach many users, the project that I have developed is for personal use but is open to collaborations to expand the mass diversification if you wish to implement it.

Here are some of the diffusions of the project that I made in social networks

Descripción de la imagen Descripción de la imagen


Here is the banner of my final Project:

Descripción de la imagen

Here is the final video of my final Project:


My processes

This week I developed the assembly of my final project, here I leave you the development of the processes and their results, finally a video of its operation and connection. Also, I worked in spiral step by step to achieve the connection of the circuits that work in network, all this you can review from my FINAL PROJECT DOCUMENTATION week.

3D printing

For the 3D printing I composed my project in 5 parts, the outer body, the cone, the base, the head and the wings, so that it would be much easier to organize everything for the printing assembled by pressure, I used 4 different colours of filament (white, black, grey and bone), I leave a picture of the pieces.

Descripción de la imagen

Electronic design

I started to design my electronic board for my final project specified also in the link ,the design was made in Kicad, all the components were soldered by me this is the almost final stage of my Mosq project.

Here is a picture of the soldered components with the Jameco motor driver to wait for its programming and operation.

Descripción de la imagen

Here you have a picture of the assembly of the components of my board already programmed.

Descripción de la imagen

System integration

In this week I made the assembly of the electronic board inside my project, I could also attach the cables in the inner cone so that they can be safely and correctly inside the body of my project as well as the assembly of the potentiometer and the position of the LED next to it, in addition to this I added a jack port for the connection of the voltage source.

Descripción de la imagen

I leave an image here so you can see it in detail.

Descripción de la imagen


To conclude I can show you that my project works every process was not complicated but it was very hard work it was weeks full of learning and a lot of pressure to finish it is part of the process the project was achieved here I leave you a picture of the final project and also my home page

PRESENTATION Descripción de la imagen