Week 17

Applications and Implications

Individual Assignment

Take a look:

- Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered, answering:

What will it do?

Who's done what beforehand?

What will you design?

What materials and components will be used?

Where will come from?

How much will they cost?

What parts and systems will be made?

What processes will be used?

What questions need to be answered?

How will it be evaluated?

Your project should incorporate 2D and 3D design, additive and subtractive fabrication processes, electronics design and production, embedded microcontroller interfacing and programming, system integration and packaging

Where possible, you should make rather than buy the parts of your project

Projects can be separate or joint, but need to show individual mastery of the skills, and be independently operable


Here is my organization to finish on time:


Organization Of Week 16
Thursday 16th Meeting with node instructors to determine details of my project
Friday 17th Development of the product performance structure
Monday 20th Last tests with outputs and visualisation of the processing
Tuesday 21st Documentation and project completion day


What will it do?

I list the actions to be performed by the object:

1. Homemade device, scares away flies, does not kill them.

2. Scares away flies with sound and propeller movement.

3. It is connected directly to the power supply to work, it is also charged.

4. It can be hung, can be on a flat surface for its aesthetic design.

5. No wires and no annoying noises.

Who's done what beforehand?

I have only found one project in the Fab Academy 2020 that generally touches on the topic of the bug catcher, but it is not finished. Here is the link:

Check the link here

This project is a device that hangs between tree branches and serves as an "insect repellent."

What will you design?

I will design the shape that will embed the electronic part, the base cone and the bottom cone, the base to set, the tip, and also the shape of the propellers. The intention is that the entire project will be assembled in 5 pieces.

What materials and components will be used?

I will use wood-finished PLA for the body and the propellers, most of which will be 3D printed. For the packaging, I will use 3mm plywood, cut with a laser.

For the components, I will use:

• 1 Jameco Reliapro Motor 3V/75MA

• 1 Potentiometer

• 1 LED diode

• 1 Switch

• 1 Jack Port

• 1 Toshiba TB6612FNG Driver

• 1 5V Power Supply

• 8-ohm Speaker

• 1 2N2222A Transistor

• 1k and 4990-ohm resistors

• 1 Xiao RP2040

Where will come from?

The filaments come as part of the inventory of our FAB LAB at Cientifica del Sur, as well as the wires, connectors, and resistors. The rest of the components are purchased from various stores in Lima.

How much will they cost?

The cost specified below is referential; everything came out to approximately $44.56. Here is the detail of the components

Components Quantities Product Code Price ($) Total ($)
Jameco Reliapro Motor 3V/75MA 1 6ZK053-R $1.23 $1.23
Potentiometer 1 987-1714-ND $1.83 $1.83
LED diode 1 F013 $1.00 $1.00
Switch 1 F014 $2.00 $2.00
Jack Port 1 F015 $1.00 $1.00
Toshiba TB6612FNG Driver 1 TB6612FNG $4.00 $4.00
5V Power Supply 1 5V $3.00 $3.00
8-ohm Speaker 1 8-ohm $1.00 $1.00
2N2222A Transistor 1 2N2222A $2.00 $2.00
1k ohm resistor 1 1k ohm $1.00 $1.00
4990 ohm resistor 1 4990 ohm $1.00 $1.00
Xiao RP2040 1 RP2040 $9.90 $9.90
WHITE PLA FILAMENT 1 50gr $3.90 $3.90
BROWN PLA WOOD FILAMENT 1 200gr $5.90 $5.90
GRAY PLA WOOD FILAMENT 1 40gr $2.90 $2.90
OTHER CONSUMABLES (wires, pin headers) 1 4302 $2.90 $2.90

What parts and systems will be made?

The parts and systems to be developed include various processes that have been carried out in the Fab Academy, such as:

• Electronic Design

• 3D printing of the body and structure

• Laser Cutting for packaging

What processes will be used?

For the process of implementing components and designing my project Mosq, I have used: Computer-Aided Design for the 2D design with Fusion 360, AutoCAD for both the parts that will comprise my project as well as the logo, packaging, and more. Additionally, I have used 3D printing for the development of the entire body and detachable parts of my project, Electronic design in KiCAD, and finally, Laser cutting with AutoCAD and Rayjet Manager for its packaging.Finally, to program my microcontroller I will use the ARDUINO IDE.

What questions need to be answered?

I feel that with this project I will learn to correctly use my time to organize myself with all the processes that will be implemented in the development of my project, especially in the tests that go in a spiral, so that little by little I can determine with greater certainty the correct functioning of each of the parts of the final project, I also feel that it is a challenge to run a motor through a driver with the Xiao, since I could not try to do the same in the Weekly Assignments that corresponded, this is the opportunity and I know I will make it.

How will it be evaluated?

I must say that the learning in this Academy has been partly thanks to the teamwork carried out with my colleagues in the Fab Lab Cientifica, especially with Hans Moncca, where we were able to investigate in a little more detail the operation of the spiral work methodology and also the organization to be able to present our final project.

Likewise, I comment on how I approached the organization of my final project in 3 parts:

1. Device design, considerations of the electronic part

2. 3D printing and electronic design

3. Electronic assembly and packaging cutting.

For point 2, I gradually developed the test of the input and output devices, especially in the case of the operation of the motor and the potentiometer, then I added the LED, the speaker and finally the switch to activate the entire circuit.