Group Assignment

Characterize the design rules for your in-house PCB production process.
Send a PCB out to a board house.
Document the work.

Individual Assignment

Make and test a microcontroller development board.
Extra credit: make it with another process.

Table of Contents

Week 4 Work Plan

Hero Shot

Group Assignment Result

For the group assignment page click here.


PCB stands for "Printed Circuit Board." It is a critical component in the construction of electronic circuits and serves as a platform for the mechanical and electrical connections between various electronic components. PCBs are widely used in the design and production of electronic devices ranging from simple gadgets to complex systems.

Key features and characteristics of PCBs include:

Substrate Material:PCBs are typically made of a non-conductive substrate material, most commonly a type of fiberglass reinforced with epoxy (FR-4). Other materials such as polyimide or metal-core substrates may be used depending on the specific requirements of the application
Conductive Traces:Copper foils are laminated onto the substrate, and these thin sheets of copper are etched to form the conductive pathways or traces on the board. These traces provide the electrical connections between different components.
Components Mounting:Electronic components, such as resistors, capacitors, integrated circuits, and other devices, are mounted onto the PCB. The components are soldered onto the conductive traces, creating a secure and reliable connection.
Through-Hole and Surface Mount Technology (SMT): PCBs support different methods of component mounting. Through-hole technology involves components with leads that pass through holes in the board and are soldered on the opposite side. Surface Mount Technology involves soldering components directly onto the surface of the PCB.
Layers: PCBs can have multiple layers, with each layer containing its own set of traces and components. Multi-layer PCBs are used for complex circuit designs, allowing for more compact and efficient layouts.
Silkscreen:A layer of silkscreen, usually applied in white, provides markings on the PCB. These markings often include component outlines, reference designators, and other information to assist with assembly and maintenance.
Pads and Vias: Pads are areas on the PCB where components are mounted and soldered. Vias are holes filled with conductive material that connect different layers of the PCB.
Design Software:PCBs are designed using specialized software that allows engineers and designers to create the layout of the circuit, define the traces, and position the components. Popular design file formats include Gerber files and Excellon files.

Types of PCBs

Single-Sided PCBs:These boards have conductive traces on only one side of the substrate.
Components are mounted on one side, and the other side is typically used for soldering.
Double-Sided PCBs:Conductive traces are present on both sides of the substrate.
Components can be mounted on both sides, and vias (plated holes) provide electrical connections between the layers.
Multi-Layer PCBs:These boards have more than two layers of substrate, with conductive traces running through internal layers. Used for complex circuits where space is a premium or where specific design requirements are essential.
Rigid PCBs: Standard PCBs with a rigid substrate, commonly made of fiberglass-reinforced epoxy (FR-4). Suitable for applications where the board does not need to be flexible.
Flexible PCBs (Flex PCBs):Designed to be flexible, allowing the board to bend or conform to a specific shape. Often used in applications where flexibility or compact form factors are crucial.
Rigid-Flex PCBs: Combine the features of both rigid and flexible PCBs. Suitable for applications requiring both rigid and flexible sections in a single design.
Ceramic PCBs:Use a ceramic substrate, offering excellent thermal properties and electrical insulation. Suitable for high-power and high-frequency applications.


FR PCB stands for Flame Retardant Printed Circuit Board, and it typically refers to PCBs made using flame-retardant materials. The most common material used for FR PCBs is FR-4, which is a flame-retardant epoxy laminate. FR-4 is widely used in the electronics industry due to its excellent electrical and mechanical properties.

Some variations and types of FR PCBs based on different considerations:

FR-1:Made from a paper-based substrate with phenolic resin. Less common than FR-4 and used in simpler applications.
FR-2: Similar to FR-1 but has a higher flame resistance. Paper-based substrate with phenolic resin.
FR-3:Made from a paper-based substrate with epoxy resin. Provides better electrical performance than FR-2.
FR-4: The most widely used material for PCBs. Made from a woven fiberglass cloth impregnated with epoxy resin. Excellent electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties. Commonly used for rigid PCBs.
FR-5:Similar to FR-4 but designed for applications requiring higher electrical performance. Features a higher Tg and improved dimensional stability.
FR-6:An advanced version of FR-4 with improved electrical and thermal performance. Suitable for high-frequency applications.
FR-370HR: High-performance laminate with enhanced thermal resistance. Used in applications where elevated temperatures and reliability are critical.

PCB Milling Machine

A PCB (Printed Circuit Board) milling machine is a specialized type of milling machine designed specifically for the fabrication of printed circuit boards. PCBs are crucial components in electronic devices, providing a platform for the connections between various electronic components. PCB milling machines are used to create these circuit boards by removing unwanted copper from a copper-clad substrate.

Roland Modela MDX-20

The Roland Modela MDX-20 is a compact and versatile desktop milling machine produced by Roland DG Corporation. It is designed for precision milling, carving, and engraving on various materials such as plastic, wood, resin, and non-ferrous metals. The MDX-20 is often used in prototyping, model making, and small-scale production.

End Mills

PCB milling machines use specialized cutting tools called end mills or PCB milling bits. These tools are designed for precision and are capable of creating fine traces and features on the PCB.

In our lab we used 3 types of end mills, they are;

0.4 mm (1/64”), 0.8 mm (1/32”) and 0.2 mm (1/100”)

XIAO Microcontroller

The Seeeduino XIAO is the smallest Arduino compatible board in Seeeduino Family. It is an Arduino microcontroller that is embedded with the SAMD21 microchip with rich interfaces as well allowing it to be capable of being a tiny Dev. Board as well.

XIAO Specification

CPUARM Cortex-M0+ CPU(SAMD21G18) running at up to 48MHz
Flash Memory256KB
Digital I/O Pins11
Analog I/O Pins11
I2C interface1
SPI interface1
QTouch7 (A0,A1,A6,A7,A8,A9,A10)
UART interface1
Power supply and downloading interfaceType-C
Power3.3V/5V DC

Microcontroller Development Board

Quentorres Development Board


PCB Milling

Software Phase [ Mods CE ]

Fab Mods is an open-source web app program that is used as machine software or a driver and works with web socket technology. The moderator replaces the window software with the machine, which provides the machine with the means to cut or mill the given image or vector file.

bash start-servers

Machining Phase

Quentorres Development Board Components List

The ATtiny1614/1616/1617 belong to the tinyAVR® 1-series, featuring an AVR® processor with hardware multiplier, running at speeds up to 20 MHz, and offering 16 KB Flash, 2 KB SRAM, and 256 bytes EEPROM in compact 14-, 20-, and 24-pin packages


Soldering is a process used to join two or more metal components together by melting and flowing a filler metal into the joint. The filler metal, known as solder, has a lower melting point than the metal being joined, allowing it to create a bond without melting the workpieces. Soldering is commonly used in electronics, plumbing, jewelry making, and various other applications.

Basic steps of soldering

Soldering Safety Measures

Soldered Quentorres Board

Isopropyl alcohol (IPA)

IPA for Mobile Phone Repairing (Isopropyl Alcohol) is the Best PCB Cleaner. Also called Thinner or PCB Cleaning Liquid. Mainly used for Mobile Repair, Motherboard Cleaning, and Cleaning of Electronic Components in Ultrasonic Cleaner.

Programming the Quentorres Board

XIAO microcontroller can be programmed using Arduino IDE. I have already installed Arduino IDE.

Arduino IDE

The Arduino Integrated Development Environment - or Arduino Software (IDE) - contains a text editor for writing code, a message area, a text console, a toolbar with buttons for common functions and a series of menus. It connects to the Arduino hardware to upload programs and communicate with them.

Arduino IDE Installation

Open-source electronic prototyping platform enabling users to create interactive electronic objects.

XIAO Development Board Programming Setup


void setup() {
	  pinMode(0, OUTPUT);
	  pinMode(26, OUTPUT);
	  pinMode(1, OUTPUT);
	void loop() {
	  digitalWrite(0, HIGH);
	  digitalWrite(0, LOW);
	  digitalWrite(26, HIGH);
	  digitalWrite(26, LOW);
	  digitalWrite(1, HIGH);
	  digitalWrite(1, LOW);

LED Blinking

Flexible PCB


1uF Capacitor 12061
1k Resistor 12061
LED 12061
Schottky Diode SOD-1231


Reflow soldering is a process that involves heating an oven to its maximum temperature to melt solder paste. The goal is to create a strong metallurgical bond between the component leads and the PCB pads.

The reflow phase is when the solder paste reaches its eutectic temperature and undergoes a phase change to a liquid or molten state. The time the solder is held above its melting point is important to ensure correct wetting between components and PCB.

Type-C Breakout Board

For performing the reflow, our instructor gave us a type C breakout board and the components.


Resources and Downloads

📁 Traces PNG Render

📁 Drills PNG Render

📁 Interior PNG Render

📁 Code