About Me

I am a Mechatronics Engineer by training with an MBA in Business analytics and pursuing a PhD in Mechanical Engineering to develop modular systems to promote industrial decarbonization.

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Weekly assignments

This digital documentation contains the lessons I have learnt through the FAB Academy 2024. All the experiences I have gained and the skills I have acquired are shared here through my documentation.

Week 1. Principles, Practices, and Project management

Week 1 assignment is to plan and sketch a potential final project. Develop and communicate an initial proposal

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Week 2. Computer Aided design

Week 2's assignment is to use computer aided designing to develop some aspect of the final project. Computer-aided design, commonly known as CAD, is a manufacturing process that allows us to digitally create 2D drawings or 3D models of future products.

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Week 3. Computer controlled cutting

Computer-controlled cutting refers to the process of using computer-controlled machines to precisely cut materials according to digital designs or patterns. This technology allows for high levels of accuracy, repeatability, and efficiency in various industries, including manufacturing, fabrication, and prototyping.

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Week 4. Electronics Production

The electronics manufacturing process involves designing, prototyping, and producing electronic components and devices

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Week 5. 3D Scanning and printing

3D printing or additive manufacturing is the construction of a three-dimensional object from a CAD model or a digital 3D model.

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Week 6. Embedded Programming

Embedded systems programming, also known as embedded programming, facilitates the development of consumer-facing devices that don't use conventional operating systems the way that desktop computers and mobile devices do.

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Week 7. Computer controlled machining

This involves understanding the principles of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) and how it applies to various machining techniques. Students will get hands-on experience with a range of CNC machines, allowing them to turn digital designs into physical objects.

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Week 8. Electronics Design

The design of electronics include the design and assembly of printed circuit boards, or PCBs, cable assembly, packaging, prototyping, and testing.

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Week 9. Output Devices

An output device is any piece of computer hardware that converts information or data into a human-perceptible form or, historically, into a physical machine-readable form for use with other non-computerized equipment.

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Week 10. Mechanical and Machine Design

The project "Cakerator 2000" has been developed for the machine design week.

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Week 11. Input Devices

Sensor is an input device which provides an output (signal) with respect to a specific physical quantity (input). It is the device which provides input to a main control system (like a Processor or a Microcontroller). It can also defined as a device that converts signals from one energy domain to electrical domain.

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Week 12. Molding and Casting

Casting will typically involve metal, while molding focuses on plastics. In both cases, the melted material goes into a die or mold to create the final form. However, some other key differences in the process will change the final product. In molding, the material is injected into a form typically made of metal.

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Week 13. Networking and communications

Networking and communication enable electronic devices to interact and exchange information, such as sending messages.

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Week 14. Interface and application programming

This week I explored how to set up and deploy a web application on Firebase to collect and display data from an Arduino device.

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Week 15. Wildcard week

I explored Origami and Kirigami this week

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Week 16. Applications and implications

This week I evaluated the applications and implications of my project

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Week 17. Project Development and System Integration

Project planning and ystem integration aspects of my project have been described

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Week 18. Innovations and Intellectual Property rights

I learnt to license my product this week

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Final Project

Breathing Library - Swasa

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