Project Development

Questions and answers for Final Project

  1. What tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?
  2. I planned to complete the following features for my project;

    • Lighting modules with LED.
    • Connection modules for electricity transmission.
    • Design of lighting and connection modules in such a way that the order can be changed.
    • Main module with touch slider to manage the brightness of the lighting modules.
    • Communication module for remotely changing the brightness of the lighting.

    Although I aimed to design a communication module to change the brightness of the lighting remotely, I could not complete this step before submitting my final project. I also aim to continue working on the project and to be able to change not only the brightness but also the color of the LEDs.

  3. What's working? what's not?
  4. It is necessary to be very careful when placing the modules on top of each other. When placing one module on top of the other, it is necessary to place it without sweeping, in other words, it must be placed directly on top of the other module from above. If we do not place them in this way, the modules cause a short circuit and the LEDs stop working. Also, when I put my finger on the sensor and move it to the right and left, the LEDs flash.

    Other than that, the PCB is working, my pogo pins are conducting electricity. My LEDs work when connected to the main module. I can adjust the light intensity of the LEDs with my sensor.

  5. What questions need to be resolved?
  6. We're not sure why it caused a short circuit when positioning the modules. Because we worked on this issue in system integration planning and positioned the pogo pins so that they would not short circuit with the cables.

  7. What will happen when?
    • Week11- Determine which components are needed.
    • Week12- Finalize project idea and user interaction. [Do sketches for form, Work with Midjourney for inspiraiton, Determine product form.]
    • Week13- Design PCB.
    • Week14- Test the arrangement of the pogo pins on the module lids. Test PCB, LED and pogo pins work well in combination
    • Week15- Print the lighting modules on the 3D printer. Cut the connection module on the laser cutter.
    • Week16- Complete the main module and connect it with other modules.
  8. What have you learned?
  9. While designing in Fusion 360, I did not take into consideration the printing limits on the 3D printer. This caused me to waste time. Also, if I had planned the construction of my project's modules better, I would have had an easier process. In this process, I could have gotten help from my supervisor early in the process.