Applications and implications

Questions and answers for Final Project

  • What will it do?

In my final project, I am designing a modular touch-sensitive lighting design. The main idea in this project is to increase or decrease the light intensity of the lighting modules with the user's touch-sensitive sensor. My final project has a main module, 2 lighting modules and 2 intermediate modules. The user adjusts the lighting intensity using the sensor on the main module. Another important point in the project is the use of pogo pins. Electricity and signals are transmitted between modules via Pogo pins. Thanks to the magnets on the Pogo pins, the modules easily stack on top of each other and provide users with the freedom to create the form they want by relocating the modules.

  • Who's done what beforehand?

Similar to my final project, there is a hexagonal modular lighting design currently on sale. In this product, unlike my project, the user can control each lighting module separately. In other words, the user can decide whether each lighting module is on or off. Similar to my project, modules are connected to each other with magnets and different forms can be created. Another similarity is that, like in my project, there is a main module in the design and thanks to this module, electrical energy is received and transferred to other modules. A feature that is more advanced than my project is that the colors of the modules can be changed with a remote control.

Here you can find the product.

Here you can find the product.

  • What will you design?

I need to complete the following modules for my project;

  • Main module; pcb design, testing for LED and touch sensor.
  • Lighting modules design, LED placement and pogo pins connections.
  • Connection modules design, pogo pins connections.
    • A detailed description of my designs can be find on my final project page.

      • What materials and components will be used?

      Material Quantity Link
      PLA Transparent Filament 1 here
      PLA White Filament 1 here
      Touch sensor 1 here
      Pogo Pins 10 here
      3mm Scew 20 here
      3mm MDF 3 here
      Blue Vinyl 1 Sheet here
      Red Vinyl 1 Sheet here
      Power Supply 1 here
      • Where will come from?

      Where the products I mentioned above will come from is stated in the links. In addition, some of the materials were already in our Lab, so there was no need to purchase them.

      • How much will they cost?

      Materials found in the workshop are not included in the calculation.

      Material Quantity Price in Euro
      PLA Transparent Filament 1 23,65
      Touch sensor 1 11,55
      Pogo Pins 10 36
      TOTAL: 71,2
      • What parts and systems will be made?

      Part Manufacturing Technique, Material
      Main Module Box 3D Printed, PLA
      Lighting Module Box 3D Printed, PLA
      Module Lids 3D Printed, PLA
      Connection Module Laser Cutting for MDF
      Connection Module Covering Vinyl Cutting
      PCB Holder Laser cutting for plexi
      • How will it be evaluated?

      My project should be evaluated according to the success of the application of the methods I used in my design.

      • 3D and 2D design
      • Laser cutting
      • 3D printing
      • Viynl cutting
      • Electronic production
      • System integration
      • Input and output design
        • In addition to the methods I use, the following criteria are important in evaluating the success of my project;

          When I interact with the sensor, it must be transmitted via pogo pins and reach each module.

          • What questions need to be answered?

          Will the Pogo pins transmit electricity and signals properly when I place them into the modules?