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Interface and application

For the robot application, we used the online software MIT App Inventor. The application will enable us to communicate with the robot. For more information, please refer to our work in week14. The application is the same

I used horizontal layouts and buttons with images to achieve their current appearance.

For the Blocks screen, I’ve programmed the arrow to change automatically from empty to full when I click on it.

Following the same logic, we have programmed the other arrows

For Wifi communication, here is the code

  • start by connecting to your microcontroller’s Bluetooth

  • You can enter your camera’s IP address to view the video stream. By default, we’ve already set it to 192.168.

  • We’ve added a cool new feature: when you click on a button, the color changes, otherwise there’s nothing by default.

  • We’ve also added an Attack button so that the robot can detect obstacles and act accordingly.


APK robot


Last update: May 31, 2024