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Interface and application programming

Group assignment:

  • Compare as many tool options as possible


Flutter is an open source framework developed by Google, used to create cross-platform mobile applications (iOS and Android) from a single codebase. It enables developers to build responsive and attractive user interfaces thanks to its own integrated rendering engine.

  • Programming language: Dart

  • Advantages

     - High performance thanks to its integrated rendering engine (Skia).

     - Reactive user interface with widget concept.

     - Rapid development with Hot Reload.

     - Support for a wide range of features and integrations.
  • Disadvantages
  - Less mature community than other frameworks.

  - Application size can be larger than other frameworks.
  • Ideal use

Suitable for developers looking for a fast development experience and high performance on the two main mobile platforms (iOS and Android).

React Native

React Native is an open source framework developed by Facebook, used to create cross-platform mobile applications (iOS and Android) from a single codebase.

  • Programming language: JavaScript

  • Advantages

     - Large community and strong ecosystem thanks to ReactJS.

     - Rapid development with Hot Reload.

     - Access to native functionality via third-party modules.

     - Cross-platform code reuse.
  • Disadvantages

     - Slightly lower performance than native applications in some cases.

     - Increased complexity when integrating advanced native functionalities.
- Ideal use

Suitable for experienced JavaScript developers who want to reuse existing skills and create cross-platform applications.


Xamarin is an open source framework for cross-platform mobile application development owned by Microsoft.

  • Programming language: C#

  • Advantages

     - Uses the C# programming language and the .NET framework, offering a mature ecosystem and numerous libraries.

     - Full access to native platform functionalities, thanks to direct links to native APIs.

     - High performance, as code is compiled natively.
  • Disadvantages
     - Larger application size than native applications.

     - Potentially longer compilation times.
  • Ideal use

Suitable for developers familiar with C# and .NET who want a more native approach to mobile application development.


Ionic is an open source framework based on HTML, CSS and JavaScript/TypeScript, used to create cross-platform mobile applications.

  • Programming language: TypeScript / JavaScript

  • Advantages

  - Based on Angular and Cordova, offering a well-defined development structure.

  - Rapid development with ready-to-use UI components.

  - Reuse of code to create web and mobile applications.

  - Large community and many resources available.
  • Disadvantages
     - Slightly lower performance than native applications in some cases.

     - Dependence on Cordova plugins to access native functionality.
  • Ideal use

    Suitable for experienced web developers wishing to create mobile applications using familiar web technologies.