Project management

This week I worked on defining my final project idea and started to get used to the documentation process.

1.1 Assignments of the Week

1.2 Learning git

1.2.1 Learning what is Git, GitLab, and GitHub?

Git GitLab GitHub
Git is a distributed version control system used to track changes in files and coordinate collaboration among multiple individuals on the same project. GitLab, like GitHub, is also a code hosting platform based on Git. It offers features such as repository management, team collaboration, and continuous integration. However, GitLab is an open-source project and provides additional enterprise-level functionalities like CI/CD pipelines, code review, issue tracking, and more. Users can deploy GitLab on private servers for self-management. GitHub is a code hosting platform based on Git, where developers can create repositories, share code, contribute to open-source projects, and collaborate with teams.

1.2.2 Setup GIT

I don't have experience with using Git. In this part, the tutorial offered on FabAcademy Git Tutorial is quite a good guide.

1.2.3 Study Notes

Since I had never encountered it before, I had no clue how to proceed at the beginning. Therefore, I sought advice from my colleague Zhu Ziyi (big thanks to him!). I learned some basic HTML and Markdown markup language from him. To visualize locally, I utilized the Visual Studio Code text editor

HTML Markdown
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a markup language used for creating web pages. It serves as the foundational structure of web content, providing tags to define elements such as text, images, links, tables, forms, and more. HTML tags are used to specify the structure and content of a webpage, including layout and styling. Markdown is a lightweight markup language used to simplify formatting and styling of text, providing structure and basic styling without the complexity of HTML. Markdown syntax is simpler and easier to write and read compared to HTML, although it offers fewer features and capabilities than HTML.

Below, I will attempt to learn two languages.

1.3 Final project

1.4 Challenge for me

    1.4.1 Git

  1. First-time use : it was challenging to establish a new cognitive framework in my mind. However, by FabAcademy HTML Tutorial and seeking assistance from colleagues, I just understood .
  2. Misunderstanding of GitLab, Git Bash, and VS Code.
  3. Upload failed.I initially faced upload failures because someone else had used a key on this computer before, and there were residual files. So, I hid the previous key, and now I can upload successfully.
  4. The image size is too large, occupying the entire screen.I added an overall image size modification in the section, like this:
  5. 1.4.2 Sketch a Final Project

    To come up with an idea for the final project in a such short time is quite challenging, for I have little knowledge about sensors, electronics and output devices.

1.5 Student Agreement

Fab Academy Student Agreement