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Group Assignment

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You can find the group assignment page here.


For this week, the group decided on wirelessly communicating between 2 XIAO ESP32 C3 based development boards. Since one of the boards was mine, I tried my best to involve myself as much as possible. We all had a really fun time working together and trying our best to get everything to work. I’m sure Yangtshel had a good time uploading really bad pictures of all of us too.

I’ve learned a lot this week, and I’m starting to get a much better idea of how I’m going to work on my final project. I was able to do a lot of research on webservers and wireless communication while doing the assignment, as well as troubleshoot and find suggestions for my improved final project board. That’s it for this week !!!

This website was created using a template provided by Mr. Anith Ghalley and was used with his permission.*

Last update: May 1, 2024