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My Final Project: All-sky camera case


All-sky cameras are used to capture the passage of meteorites and bolides through the atmosphere, recording the sky throughout the night.

Generally, these cameras are permanently exposed to sunlight, in certain latitudes (between the equator and the tropics) the intense sunlight quickly reduces the useful life of the camera.

This case allows the camera lens to be covered during the day for protection and automatically opens at night.

It is a case that will protect an all-sky camera.

There are several projects that use all-sky cameras; these are networks of cameras dedicated to the search for certain objects. Here is some information about some of them:

I plan to design a case that protects the camera and the lens with a transparent dome during the night when the camera is active, and a second robotized opaque dome that closes during the day when the camera is inactive to protect it from sunlight. Of course, this dome will open at night so the camera can operate.

First sketches

First telescopic dome option; First telescopic dome option;

2D and 3D Modeling

I started by making a sketch of the camera I intend to use and the dome that will protect it. ;

I Continue making two designs of telescopic domes that have an adequate field of vision. First telescopic dome option; First telescopic dome option; First telescopic dome option;

As with the previous software, I started drawing the camera with its dimensions, but in 3D.

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I continued the design of objects by making the box that will contain the camera with the translucent dome.

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I am currently working on the design of the telescopic dome.

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Final design

As you can see, the design has evolved throughout the course and was finalized with this design:

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