Week 13

Embedded Networking and Communication.

The Challenge of the Week

This week we will learn to create communication between two identical boards that we designed and printed. These boards will use an ATTiny45 microprocessor and will be controlled by a computer through an FTDI cable.

For this, we will use:

Descripción de la imagen
Figure 13.1 -Schematic diagram of the project of the week

Used materials:

Board Design.

For the board design, I used Fusion software and based it on a similar circuit.

Descripción de la imagen
Figure 13.2 -Base model of the boards to Communicate
Descripción de la imagen
Figure 13.3 -Schematic of the board. Fusion software
Descripción de la imagen
Figure 13.4 -Track design using Fusion software
Descripción de la imagen
Figure 13.5 -Board manufacturing process
Descripción de la imagen
Figure 13.6 -Boards with components, ready for communication!
Descripción de la imagen
Figure 13.7 -Track design using Fusion software

Here I leave you the design of the boards:

  • Controller board

    Establishing communication

    To establish the communication, I wrote a program to test the system.

    Descripción de la imagen
    Figure 13.8 - Image of the program that allows communication
  • Control program
    Descripción de la imagen
    Figure 13.9 - Functionality test