Descripción de la imagen

Week 04 - Electronics Design

Group Assignment

The objective of the week is to use a microcontroller, for this we are going to start with a virgin copper electronic board, place the circuits and electronic components..

Circuit design

We download the design of the copper plate from the FabAcademy site:

  • Inside the folder the file that we are going to use is: quentorres-main -> design -> gerber -> v2 -> Descripción de la imagen

    FlatCAM software

    FlatCAM is an application to prepare printed circuit designs to be manufactured on a CNC mill/router. Among others, it can generate G-Code for insulation routing from Gerber files generated in your favorite PCB CAD application.

    I downloaded the software from the website:
  • Descripción de la imagen

    I downloaded the version: FlatCAM_beta_8.994_x64_installer.exe.

    The installation is common and intuitive.

    Once the software is installed and opened, we will load the downloaded files. The format of the circuit will be in SVG or DXF.To do this we go to the menu File -> Import -> Gerber Object (SVG or DXF). In our case we open the file: quentorres_v2-F_cu.gbr.

    Descripción de la imagen

    For the outline, vectorize an image and save in .svg format To open the outline, go to the menu, -> import -> SVG geometry.

    As an example we could have this custom outline: Descripción de la imagen

    In this case the image was vectorized using the Inkscape software

    But for our final design we are going to use a more classic shape, as the following image shows:

    Descripción de la imagen

    Configuration of the engraving parameters of the CNC router

    To configure the parameters we will start by clicking on the gerber, In our particular case it will be the file: quentorres_v2-F_cu.gbr.

    And we will go to the option: Isolation Tool Where we will configure with the parameters that we see in the figure. Descripción de la imagen

    Con estos parámetros obtuvimos el siguiente resultado:

    Descripción de la imagen

    Once done, go to the configuration of the cutting line, to do this we mark the file with the svg format, and use the parameters of the image below

    Descripción de la imagen

    Finished, we save the files and copy them to a pendrive to take them to the engraving machine.

    Engraved with CNC router

    Now we will start the process of engraving the circuit. We will use a copper plate with a cellulose substrate measuring 10cm x 10cm.

    The machine we will use is a Rolland MODELA proII MDX-540, And the software that controls it is the Vpanel software. Descripción de la imagen

    The steps we followed were: