Input devices

Welcome to the 12th week, This week claims to run a selected module. This time module is the 6 axis gyroscope GY-521 MPU6050. The outcomes will be described and broken down as below:

Microcrontroler and module ready for the battle!

Ejemplo de enlace

Gyroscope module
Description of image 1 Description of image 2

This is the pcb and connections designed for the assignment and at the right are shown the pins which the module run successfully.

Description of image 1 Description of image 2

As you can see the left picture shows a code exctracted from a page and the " and" are highlighted and also beside that the thonny ide with the code running is shown. The magic code can be seen as below:

Ejemplo de enlace The magic code!!! Reproductor de Video


Problems and solutions

Description of image 1 Description of image 2

It was the connection that did not work at the beginning, so after "surgery" of pinout. Those were solved.

Correct connection

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With this connection it could run perfectly. XD

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Imagen Más Grande Descripción de la imagen

Weekly Schedule

Time Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

This is the proposed schedule that fits my daily activities, but in real life obviously it couldn't be followed exactly, by the way, this is the way that would be fine for me XD.