Weekly Schedule

Time Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

This is the proposed schedule that fits my daily activities, but in real life obviously it couldn't be followed exactly, by the way, this is the way that would be fine for me XD.

3D Scanning and Printing

Welcome to the 5th week, during this week we work on designing and printing something could not be made by subtractive method, as well as scanning (personally a fossil sloth bear claw). The outcomes will be described and broken down as below:

Softwares used during the week and results

Designing in Fusion360

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Here a video of the design made on fusion360, a kind of atomic distribution. The deseing were exported in a .stl format so then were import into the flashprint software.

Flashprint and parameters for printing

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Flashprint were downloaded and put all parameters of the printing setting as the temperture of the base that were set by 70 celsius degree and the extrude temperture 215 celsius and were added supports.

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The printing were made with the 3D Printer "Flashforge Dreamer" brand

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Here the model printed and supports were cleaned by pliets.

The archive can be downloaded here: atoms


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This is a scan of the catonix cuvieri claw (sloth bear from the pleistocen) discovery in caves from Paraguay. Credits: Ricardo Souberlich (Paleontologist)

Here the outcome

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Here the scan of the claw made with the Iphone 12 pro, and the free app called 3D Scanner app.

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As it can be seen, the miniclaw from thousand of years hehe.