About me

Hi! My name is Elaine Yang. I am a lifelong learner who lives in the suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts in the United States. I have worn many hats in the past, including software developer and educator. I'm currently a "work-at-home" Mom.

Fab Academy Info

I am participating in Fab Academy as a remote student. The Fab Lab at Charlotte Latin School has kindly agreed for me to participate as a member of their node (thank you!). I will mostly be using my own resources as well as resources at my local makerspace, Artisans Asylum.

If you are also a remote and/or solo student, please reach out! I hear there are group projects in our Fab Academy future!

Teaching Philosophy

Education should be accessible to all and educators should strive to meet students where they are at. I love to learn new things to teach. For me, one of the most effective ways of learning a topic has been having to teach it.

Social Media Philosophy

People should have a choice whether or not to engage with social media, and services should remain accessible to people who do not wish to create accounts on social media platforms.