Week 5 - 3D Scanning and Printing

Solo Assignment

The goal of the solo assignment was to create something that can't be created using subtractive machining. This means that your object can't be made from something like a CNC machine, laser cutter, or even a lathe.

Designing the Part

I am currently taking an aerospace engineering class so when I heard this challenge, I decided I wanted to build a plane. However, I needed to implement something like a bearing or hinge into my part to fulfill the assignment. After contemplating, I added hinge joints to the wings and built the design below.

Now, you are problem thinking "What is that?!". Well...... Me too. I don't know what I created, but I thought it was still cool and fun looking so I went with it anyways.

How I created the part

I used onshape to create this part.

To start I made a sketch of the body and extruded a box like rough body.

Then, I designed the hinge using the "offset" tool and "use" tools.

Next, I added the wings to the hinge and made them look nice.

Finally, I did some mirroring and filleting to get the final product.

Printing the part

I decided to print this part on a bamboo pro printer which allows multiple colors and fast printing.

To send the file to the machine I first needed to download the Bamboo Software and after downloading, I was met with the screen below.

I then added in the part and played around with the the multi color printing capabilities.

After this fail, I realized how much filament was wasted and that it was not as amazing as it was hyped up to be. To solve both problems, I simply used 1 color and slowed the print a bit.

The Joints

3D Scanning


Polyscan is a free phone based 3D scanning app that is very good at scanning non-animate objects.

How to use

Polyscan is super simple to use. Simply download the app from the app store and open. Then click the "X" in the top right corner of the buying menu and click the bottom right blue camera button. Finally. I recommend switching to the photo mode and simply taking around 100 photos of all angles of the object.

After scanning is done, I recommend using optimized processing mode and object masking when processing for a good final project.

To export the scan to a fusion software, click the download button in the top right and then go to all formats. This will allow you to click a glb file which is the only free mesh file that you can export.

Next, I received the file through my computer and used this website to convert the file into a obj.

Finally, I brought the file straight into Prusa Slicer and sent it to print as seen below

Creality Scanner

How to use

To learn the creality scanner, I used this tutorial by Creality

Final Result

What I learned from this scanner

After testing scanning capabilities on both a inanimate box cutter and a friends face in my class, I learned that the scanner does much better with living objects than it does with inanimate. When doing inanimate, I frequently ran into a problem in which the object would get lost and then re-find itself causing the scan to become infinity long for some reason.

Group Project

This link goes to our group project

All Files



This week, I learned about the capabilities of my 3D printer, how 3D scanning works and its possible application in our world, and how certain settings such as infill affect a prints integrity. All of this knowledge will continue with me to make my prints more accurate, stronger, and faster.