My Final Project example

This is where I will start defining my final project idea and start to get use to the documentation process.

Description of image


My project is going to feature a sword that dynamically changes color and produces sound effects in response to motion. This technologically-enchanted sword brings an immersive gaming experience to life, where each swing and flourish triggers a burst of vibrant hues and captivating melodies.

2D and 3D Modeling

Sword Frame Design:

- Utilize laser cutting for the design of the first body part of the sword and immerse LED strip inside the Laser Cutting part. - Utilize 3D printing for the second and third parts of the sword body, as well as for the handle part. The second part of the body will be embedded with the PCB and battery.

Integration of Components:

- Plan connection of the laser cutting part and the 3D pritting part and also consider PCB design inside of the body of the sword

Print the Sword Frame:
- Use a 3D printer to bring the designed sword frame to life. Select suitable materials for durability and consider the layer resolution for finer details.

Electrical Parts

PCB Design:

Circuit Requirements:
- Identify the necessary connections between the microproces nRF82540, RGB LED strips, sound module. Define the power supply and data lines.

Schematic Design:
- Create a schematic diagram using PCB design software (e.g., Eagle, KiCad). Clearly illustrate the connections, component placement, and power distribution.

Layout Design:
- Arrange components on the PCB, considering factors like signal integrity, compactness, and ease of assembly. Ensure proper spacing and orientation for effective PCB manufacturing.

- Develop a prototype of the PCB for testing purposes. Validate the circuit design and make any necessary adjustments before proceeding to the final PCB production.

Software Programming:

To use the gyro sensor to identify the gesture of the sword holder, implementing a system where the sensor detects the orientation and movement of the sword. By analyzing the data from the gyro sensor, interpret specific gestures made by the sword holder, such as swings, slashes, or stabs, and map them to corresponding actions in a virtual environment or game. This technology enables a more immersive and interactive experience by translating real-world movements into digital interactions

User interaction:
- Program any interactive features, such as sound and LED effects, to enhance the user experience.


Description Pricen Qty Link
Seeed Xiao nRF82540 19.99 $/74.99 $ 1
Speaker or Sound Module 9.99 $ 5 speaker or sound module compatible with arduino
LED Strips 9.99 $ 5