Week 1 - Project Management

In the first week, I acquired knowledge in both theoretical understanding and practical applications. In terms of theoretical knowledge, time management and project management are core skills in the Fab Academy class;

  • Demand vs Supply-side time management involves:
  • Working to the calendar, not to the task.
  • Spiral Development Model aims to:
  • Create complete incremental project versions.

  • See A Friendly Guide for Your Fab Academy Journey.

    In practical terms, I learned how to design my webpage with HTML & CSS, download my repository(or repo.) from Gitlab, and upload my page to GitLab, and also how to set up Git, get to know some basic CMD, etc. Here are more details about Version control & GitLab.

    Additionally, Fab Academy provides some professional software and tools that require a computer with a minimum configuration of 16GB of RAM. However, if your computer doesn't meet these requirements, you can ask your instructor for a suggestion.

    Getting Started

    1. What is Git
    2. Install Git in your computer
    3. Download your GIT documentation repository from Gitlab
    4. Learn HTML Edit your code with Visual Studio Code
    5. Upload your Local Project to Gitlab Fabcloud
    6. Command summary
    7. Setup Git
      Copy your academy personal repo.
      Upload your repo online
      Terminal commands

    What is Git

    A popular Version Control System
    Git is a tool used for tracking to your project files
    Saving your changes is called a Commit
    Everything is stored in a Repository
    View history of all commits (who/when/what changed)
    Revert/restore past changes (good if anything breaks)
    Push commits (changes) to remote central repo (upstream/origin)
    Multiple locations can sync their changes with origin

    Install Git in your computer

    Download Git

    To install Git: see this page.
    GitBash for windows users: this page.

    Install Git

    During the installation of Git, you can click next directly in most cases. The following are some special cases.
    (Notice:I am using windows os, and I’ve already have Visual Studio Code installed.)

    Case1 - select the third one: Use Visual Studio Code as Git’s default editor.

    choosing the default editor used by GIT.jpg

    Case 2 - For choosing the SSH executable, select the Use bundled OpenSSH
    Case 3 - For configuring the terminal emulator to use with Git Bash, select Use Window's default console window

    Choosing the SSH executable.jpg      Use Window's default console window

    Download your GIT documentation repository from GitLab

    First, create a new file folder in your computer, and open this folder with console window.

    open your local repo by windows console

    Then , try “git clone Your HTTPS URL”

    git clone command

    For the HTTPS URL, follow these steps:
    visit fabcloud , use the username/password the Fab Academy provided. You should access details in your email with the subject “Fab Academy 2024 accounts access”. After you login your gitlab, click this ‘code’ button:

    Code button on FabCloud

    HTTPS URL is right here:


    Learn HTML and Edit your code with Visual Studio Code.

    To Learn html - watch this HTML tutorial .
    Prettier needs more configuration to realize auto formatting, check this tutorial :
    For div, see html - div
    For CSS properties, see CSS properties here
    For mkdos,see mkdos:

    Upload your Local Project to Gitlab Fabcloud

    Now that you have learned basic HTML and CSS, you can modify the HTML inside the public/week01.html file, and also the About.html, and you can edit your final project page too.

    To upload your local project, you should know your local project location on your computer.
    Mine is D:\Fab24\dion-tsang
    Now, press win+R to open console window.
    And you should use some CMD like dir,cd, and also CMD of git, follow these steps:

    D:Switch to the root directory of the D drive
    dirlists all files and subdirectories in a directory
    cd Fab24 Switch to the Fab24 subdirectory
    dir lists all files and subdirectories in the current directory
    cd dion-tsang switches to the dion-tsang subdirectory
    git add . to upload all the files at once,remember a space is needed between add and ‘.’
    git commit -m "changed name" to name your update, so you know what you changed with this push.
    git push Upload to the Repository

    Upload your Local Project to Gitlab Fabcloud

    At this point, you are required to enter your Gitlab username and password again.

    02 connect to Gitlab

    And then, you’re required to setup Git, using these two commands:

    git config –global user.email “Your email address”
    git config –global user.name “Your gitlab user name”

    setup Git

    You should find your Gitlab user name here:

    find your username

    Then, try these commands again :

    git add . (a space needed.)
    git commit -m "the change you made "
    git push

    You should see the Last update as ‘just now’

    Last updat

    You can click the Passed button to check the state of deployment:

    deploy success

    Command summary

    Setup Git (to do only the first time)

    1. Install Git
    2. GitBash for windows users Gitbash
    3. Add your Git username and set your email
    4. git config –-global user.name “YOUR_USERNAME”
    5. Configure you email address for uploading
    6. git config -–global user.email “jSmith@mail.com”

    Copy your academy personal repo

    1. Navigate to the folder where you want to put or create your repo. If you don´t know how to follow this guide .
    We recommend to create it in the desktop so you don´t have to dive into million of folders each time
    2. Clone your student repository
    git clone git@git.fabacademy.org:fabacademy2017/yourlabname/yourstudentnumber.git

    Upload your repo online

    1. Add the new files you added to git
    2. git add index.html to upload file by file
      git add . to upload all the files at once
    3. To download the last copy from the repository
    4. git pull (for downloading the last copy of the repository)
    5. To have a working copy of your repo
    6. git merge (to have a working copy)
    7. Now name your update, so you know what you changed with this push.
    8. git commit -m ‘change you did’
    9. Upload to the Repository
    10. git push

    Terminal commands you will use to get to your archive folder

    dir To view the contents of a directory, type "dir"
    ls To view the files as a list
    cd It is frequently useful to know in which directory you are currently working To move between directories, use the cd command with the name of a directory example go to desktop is "cd Desktop"
    mkdir To create a new directory
    del Subsequently, you might want to clean up useless files
    Capital letters matter here

    Let's Jump to the Top !!!