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Hello World ! πŸ«‘πŸ˜ŠπŸŽ‰ Welcome to my new Fab Academy site

My name is Dion TsangπŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ, and I ‘ve joined Fab Academy 2024😎.
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Getting Started with Mkdocs

To use MKdocs

  • First download the repo

  • Install mkdocs in your computer by following this guide

  • Run Mkdocs in your local computer

    python3 -m mkdocs serve

Tips: The first time I followed the instructions above, I encountered some problems:

  1. “pip install mkdocs” doesn’t work due to OSError:
    ![alt text](error01.jpg)

    In this case, I just reinstalled Python, and also make sure to tick “add python on path” option if there is anything like that.

  2. The second issue is about “Unrecognised theme name” and The”git-revision-date-localized” plugin is not installed. ![alt text](error02.jpg)

    The reason for “Unrecognised theme name” bug is because the default theme in the initial mkdocs.yml file is “material”, while you need to use “pip install” command to install “material” theme, otherwise, only 2 options are available:mkdocs and readthedocs; for the second bug, you can just visit here

    To install this plugin, use:

    pip install mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin

    I was also thinking about the principle of using Mkdocs to convert md files to html with Python, because I wanted to modify the outlook of the web page. Later I discovered these two websites, which may helps for the outlook of the template.

How to edit it

You can edit it on Gitlab. The software used turns simple text files written in Markdown format, into the site you are navigating.

No worries, you can’t break anything, all the changes you make are saved under Version Control using GIT. This means that you have all the different versions of your page saved and available all the time in the Gitlab interface.

In short

  • This website is built automatically by gitlab every time you edit the files in the docs folder
  • It does so thanks to Mkdocs a static site generator written in Python
  • You must start customizing the file mkdocs.yml with your information
  • You can change the looks of your website using mkdocs themes, you can find in the mkdocs.yml the options for the Material Mkdocs theme
  • If you want to start from scratch, you can delete everything (using git-rm) in this repository and push any other static website