Welcome to join Chenxin Yang’s
Fab-academy Journey

Stay humble and curious.Make it happen!

Final Project

About Me

Chenxin Yang

New Product Developer

Self introduce

Hello, I'm Chenxin Yang, but you can call me Chanson. I hail from Guangzhou, China,
and currently wear multiple hats at a startup as the CPO, CTO, and COO.
My professional journey is deeply rooted in mechanical design, complemented by my bachelor's degree in the field and my certification as a New Product Development Professional (NPDP).
I have a profound love for product innovation and bringing new ideas to life.
In my leisure time, DIY projects and playing the saxophone are my sanctuaries.
They not only fuel my creativity but also provide a refreshing counterbalance to my dynamic work life.
Thank U!

Weekly Assignments

  1. week 1.<Project management with Git>The idea of Lazy clock!---🚥Already Done!
  2. week 2. <Computer Aided design>2D&3D practice---🚥Already Done!
  3. week 3. <Computer controlled cutting>Happy Chinese Loong Year---🚥Already Done!
  4. week 4. <Electronics production>Make an insteresting PCB of QT---🚥Working on it!
  5. week 5. <3D Scanning and Printing>Try to Scan a chair and print it---🚥Working on it!
  6. week 6. <Embedded Programming>Blink it---🚥Working on it!
  7. week 7. <Computer-Controlled Machining>Make a Cockhorse---🚥Working on it!
  8. week 8. Electronics production
  9. week 9. Molding and casting
  10. week 10. Output devices
  11. week 11. Mechanical design & machine design
  12. week 12. Input devices
  13. week 13. Networking and communications
  14. week 14. Interface and application programming
  15. week 15. Wildcard week
  16. week 16. Applications and implications
  17. week 17. Invention, intellectual property and income
  18. week 18. Project development
Week 1

Project management with Git

Week 2

Computer Aided design

Week 3

Electronics production

Week 4

Electronics production

***Let's Jump to the Top !!!***