Jona Noah Breitenbach - Fab Academy 2024

About me

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Hi! I am Jona Noah. I grew up in the north of Germany not far away from the Museumsdorf Cloppenburg. Now I live in Bottrop only a few minutes away from our university’s best playground which also happens to be my work place. I study for a Master’s degree in Computer Science after finishing Bachelor's degree in Human-Machine Interaction.

During the second half of my bachelor studies I had the great chance to work in a project at one of our labs in the university developing the HMI for a new measurement system which was developed there. We had to do a lot of prototype work which turned out to really interesting. It also turned out to be far more hardware oriented than my studies had been before, so I learned a lot more than I had imagined to be possible. Since I want to go a more technical way than pure HMI in the future, FabAcademy should be a good start to continue my journey.

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Jona Noah Breitenbach