Susanna Brolhani

Fab Academy 2024 @ FAB LAB BCN


inkvisible slide

Inkvisible is a project designed around a digital pen that rethinks the relationship between hand gestures and thought recording. The pen doesn't draw visible lines like a traditional one, and it does not require a physical medium like paper. Instead, it can draw in the air or on any surface, capturing and recording these movements digitally.

The core technology behind Inkvisible utilizes Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to connect the pen to a paired device, such as a smartphone or computer. This connection allows the pen to transmit the data it collects directly to the cloud. Users can access their writings or drawings anytime, anywhere, facilitating a seamless digital experience. This feature is especially appealing for those who wish to jot down notes, sketches, or ideas spontaneously without the need to be tethered to a screen or specific writing surface.

It is designed with the aim of fostering creativity and spontaneity, allowing users to capture their thoughts and ideas on the go. Whether in a meeting, walking, or simply lying in bed, users can use Inkvisible to ensure no fleeting inspiration is lost. The device not only caters to creative professionals who need a versatile tool for drafting and visualization but also appeals to anyone who desires a more intuitive and liberative way to interact with digital content.


+ Rhino model

+ KiCAD project

+ Arduino Code

+ Processing Code