Susanna Brolhani

Fab Academy 2024 @ FAB LAB BCN


The goal of this week was to get acquainted with the several tools aimed towards 2D graphics (mostly vector) and 3D modelling (mesh and nurbs).

We got some insights on Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape. TinkerCAD, Rhino, Grasshopper. Blender. Fusion360. FreeCAD. And someothers.

Global class notes

Local class notes


Pencil file - Rhino (3dm): this is pretty much an empty file as I ended up doing it all on Grasshopper.

Pencil file - Grasshopper (GH): this is a simple script to generate a fully parametric pencil-like form. Very simple, it will be refined once I start getting into how this object will work.

Pencil file - Fusion (f3d): another model attempt, this time paying more attention to different components and changing the design a little.

Weekly assignments