7. Computer Controlled Machining

This week it is all about CNC (= Computer Numerical Control)!

For this topic we dive deeper into how to design your pieces and how to operate the machine.

Points to talk about: used software, end mills, machine, design, setup,... cnc process, finishing of the pieces, assembly and test.

This is the type of machine that we will be using this week: RaptorX-SL - Series.

2D design

For this assignment, we have a big sheet of Plywood. Dimensions of this sheet are: 2440mm x 1220mm x 15mm or 10mm.

I had a couple of ideas for this assignment: a Work From Home standing desk, a fun rocking chair for a toddler, a birdfeeder that i designed a couple of years ago, a chair/stool with a shape based on an animal.

I choose for the chair/ stool shaped like a fish :) and based on a chair designed by Marc Newson.

marc newson chair


I used Rhino to design the shape. The shape it pretty straighforward: a fish shape with 4 holes repeated 14 times with wooden "washers" in between.

design in rhino

workflows for CNC production

Export the file to Rhino 6 and import it in Rhino on the desktop computer. This computer has Rhinocam.

This is the software we need, to create the file that the cnc can read and where we set up the design and the necessary positions for the screws.

With this software you can set up all the parameters.

To make the workflow easier, it is better to create differet layers to define the different cuts and settings.

I used the layers: screws, inside cut, outside cut and pocketing.

To win some time and avoid big loss of material, it is important to organize the sheet as good as possible. The spacing between the parts needs to be big enough for the mill to pass in both directions.

In the layer Inside cut, i added everything where the mills needs to cut on the inside of the line. This is in my design the part of the inside of the stool. I also added the wooden washers in this space because this is a lost part of the cut.

In the layer of outside cut, i added the big shape of the stool. Here the mill cuts on the outside of the line. The washers are also cut on the outside of the line.

in the layer Pocketing, i added the holes where the rope or rebar goes through. This is also on the inside of the washer.

CNC production

Let the fun begin :)

Use safety glasses before cutting!

Pictures and videos from the process

Here you can see some pictures of the process and below some videos.

computer set up problem with bridges

These are the tools i used to break the bridges.

tools tools


Here you can see the problem with the bridges.

set up


here is a video where the cnc is preparing the screw holes.

video cnc

Final product

There was no toddler available for the picture so my dog can give you an idea of size :p.

final product final product


Group assignment

week 7