1. Project management

Content we see this week:

Creating a website

To create the website, there are a couple of things that need to be understood first. This is all new for me so i'm trying to write down what i got.:)

What is Git, Gitbash, HTML and CSS?

stands for Global Information Tracker.

Git is a distributed version control system that tracks changes in any set of computer files, usually used for coordinating work among programmers collaboratively developing source code during software development. Its goals include speed, data integrity, and support for distributed, non-linear workflows (thousands of parallel branches running on different systems).

is a command-line interface that allows you to interact with Git, a version control system.

It is important to set up the computer with Gitbash to be able to edit this website weekly and discover the Visual Studios Code tool to create HTML.

Downloading and installing Git goes pretty fast. After installing, it is necessary to create an SSH key.

, or HyperText Markup Language, is the standard language for creating and designing web pages. It uses tags to structure content, defining elements such as headings, paragraphs, links, and images, allowing browsers to render and display information on the internet.

To be able to "write" HTML and create your website, it is necessary to install a software.

The software that I use is called:

Visual Studio Code

To work with Visual Studio Code or VSC, and Gitbash, it is good to know some basic commands.

Basic Git commands

Git status -> git add . -> git commit -> git push!

Basic HTML Commands

or Cascading Style Sheets, is a styling language used to control the presentation and layout of HTML documents.

Style Definition: CSS allows you to define the appearance of HTML elements, including their color, size, font, spacing, and positioning.

Separation of Concerns: CSS promotes separation of content (HTML) and presentation (CSS), making it easier to maintain and update the design of a website without altering the content.

Selectors: CSS uses selectors to target HTML elements for styling, based on element types, classes, IDs, attributes, or their relationship to other elements.

Properties and Values: CSS properties define the aspects of an element's style, such as color, font-size, margin, padding, etc., with each property having a corresponding value.

Cascading Nature: CSS follows a cascading order of precedence, with styles inherited from parent elements, overridden by more specific selectors, or applied through external stylesheets, internal < style > tags, or inline styles.

Responsive Design: CSS enables responsive design, allowing websites to adapt their layout and appearance based on the device or screen size for improved user experience.

Box Model: CSS uses a box model to describe the layout of elements, representing each element as a rectangular box with content, padding, border, and margin areas.

Creating SSH key

The next step is creating my personal SSH Key. SSH keys are like secret codes for your computer to communicate with another securely.

Public Key: can be shared with everyone. It's like giving someone the address to your house.

Private Key:should be ke^pt secret. It's like your personal key to open the door.

I have not taken a screenshot of my key while generating one in gitbash. This is a picture from google where it looks the same but the key is different of course.

Creating the website

As it is the first time that I create a website using VSC instead of Wix or Wordpress, I decided to use the existing template and change some things.

During the course I believe that I will change the design of my website into a nicer one.

I started with creating the pages that I need: Weekly assignments, about, final project,...

Once I had the pages, I started with filling them in with the necessary content and check if the CSS is working.

When the pages looked like I wanted, I opened Gitbash to push the changes and put it online on the working website.

Personal reflections

Creating a website with HTML looks very complicated but once you understand what it is and how it works, it is actually really interesting!

I also realised that I need to document more :)

Thanks to google and chat gpt I now understand these concpts!

Images of Git, Gitbash, HTML example and Visual Studio Code:

Example of HTML (source picture: google)

Example of Gitbash Essentials (source picture: google)

Useful links

First sketch of the final project

The final project has not been decided yet. A couple of keywords that i keep in mind for my project are:

A couple of ideas:

The idea I will discover further: the desalination machine

image of the sketch