Week 05 - 3D scanning & printing

Group assignment: Design rules for 3D printing

On the link below you can find the complete process of this week's group assignment, covering machine usage and setting up parameters for different types of prints. Click here

3D scanning

1. Software Setup

  • Open Software: Launch the 3D scanning software (in this case, RevoPoint).
  • Select Mode: Choose between 'Manual' or 'Auto' scanning modes. Manual mode allows for more control, while Auto mode lets the software handle adjustments.
  • 2. Start the Scanning Process

  • Preview Mode: Use the preview mode to adjust the scanner's distance from the object. The interface shows if the object is 'Too near,' 'Excellent,' 'Good,' or 'Too far.' Aim for the 'Excellent' range for the best scan quality.
  • Adjust Settings: Fine-tune the brightness and range of valid point clouds if necessary. This helps in capturing the details of the object accurately.
  • 3. Conduct the Scan

  • Initiate Scan: Begin the scanning process by clicking on the 'Scan' button.
  • Move Around the Object: If needed, move the scanner around the object to capture it from different angles. Ensure all parts of the object are captured by watching the live feed on the software.
  • 4. Processing the Scan

  • Complete Scan: Once the scanning is finished, a prompt will ask if you want to 'Complete,' 'Cancel,' or 'Restart.' Select 'Complete' to proceed.
  • Point Cloud Fusion: The software will ask if you want to fuse the point cloud immediately. Ensure this option is selected to process the scan data.
  • 5. Finalizing the Model

  • Adjust Point Clouds: This helps in removing any unwanted data points and improving the accuracy of the model.
  • Save Model: After processing, save your 3D model.
  • Tips & Learnings

    Proper lighting: not too much exposure but also not too dark.

    Avoid shiny things: it can affect the clarity of the surface.

    Avoid movement in surroundings: to guarantee a clean scan.

    Scan method: up and down scan, once covered, move slightly to the side and repeat until reaching you reach the complete circle.

    Teamwork makes the dream work: one person scans while another person follows by holding the laptop.

    Communication: consistency between closeness of the scanner and the object-body so you obtain a uniform shape.

    PLA 3D printing

    Design process VS None Subtractive fabrication

    - The lattice structure and internal geometry is nearly impossible to achieve with subtractive techniques due to limitations in tool access and geometry.

    - The creation of hollow structures, internal channels, and complex infill patterns, essential for reducing weight and material usage—features not replicable with subtractive methods.

    - Rapid prototyping and easy customization thanks to Rhino + GH design adjustments and immediate printing, unlike subtractive methods which require significant setup time and offer less flexibility for iterative design processes.

    Setting up PRUSA i3 Mk2 and Creality Ender Pro 3 with Ultimaker Cura

    Open Ultimaker Cura software's printer selection menu. Select: Creality Ender-3 Pro printer with a 0.6 mm nozzle. The print preparation area shows the model dimensions and estimated print time.

    The screen shows the layer view with a color scheme indicating different line types. Print settings are shown on the right, including layer height, wall thickness, and top/bottom thickness.

    The print settings on the right include a layer height of 1.7 mm and various line widths. The model is highlighted in yellow, indicating it is ready for slicing.

    Clay 3D printing

    "MAMBA" - Grashopper script

    On the left side, the Rhino window shows the mesh structure of the 3D vase. On the right side, the Grasshopper window includes the MAMBA setup, displaying various parameters such as slicing distance, nozzle diameter, base layers, and infill settings.

    The left image, shows the Grasshopper window featuring MAMBA G-code assembly panel, where you can adjust printing parameters such as speed, jog speed, extrusion flow, retraction amount, and Z-hop height.

    Machine & Mixture set up: Ender Creator Pro & Terracota clay

    Clay mixture:

    1. Consistency: the clay should be a bit soft but not too much, because eventually if will start drying once inside the container for extrusion.

    2. Container: fill it evenly so you dont leave air bubbles inside, that will make the extrusion test part a longer process.

    3. Hard mix: you will eventually need top pressure from the air compressor and flowrate on Repetier.

    4. Watery mix: be prepared with a low range fan to dry the print while it increases height.

    5. Make extra: since at the beginning you have many fails, the amount depends on the height of your design and attempts to print.

    Tips & Learnings

    Design strategies:

    1. Careful with exaggerated overhangs, that style is better fitted for a stable printing bed and manipulating the extruder.

    2. Pattern design: tweak to fast feedrate.

    3. Overhangs design: don't exagerate the angle and tweak to slower feedrate.

    4. Revise the structure with a slicer tool or MAMBA grasshopper script for any "unsual" behavior while generating the extruding path

    Air compressor:

  • Initial: pressure 2 - 2.5 kg/cm2
  • Maximum: pressure 3 - 4 kg/cm2
  • Printer settings:

    1. Verify XY home

    2. Leveled printing bed: in case of being warped, you need to adjust the Z with “babysteps Z” settings.

    3. Option 2 leveling: manually tweak the height with the 4 flanges below the board.

    Repetier Host - Manual controller:

  • Feedrate: velocity of the extruder, suggested settings 150-200.
  • Flowrate: the amount of clay being extruded, suggested settings 150.
  • Move Z: (if needed) to adjust initial printing height.
  • MAMBA (Grasshopper script):

    Increase the following settings

  • Extruding Multiplier E: 50.00
  • Extrusion Flow: 50.00
  • Activate: “Spiralize"
  • Final Outcome


  • Customization and Rapid Prototyping: The flower pot designs demonstrate the ability to quickly create and iterate custom designs, accelerating the prototyping phase.
  • Material Versatility: The comparison of different materials (PLA, terracotta clay, white clay + eggshells) showcases 3D printing's capability to handle various materials suited for specific applications.
  • Complex Geometries: The intricate lattice structures of the flower pots highlight the production of complex geometries, enabling innovative and efficient designs.
  • Limitations

  • Surface Finish and Post-Processing: Variations in surface finish indicate that some prints may require post-processing to meet quality standards.
  • Print Time and Material Efficiency: Differences in print time and material usage (e.g., 1 hour for PLA vs. 25 minutes for terracotta clay) underscore the need for efficient settings optimization.
  • Dependence on Slicing and Printing Settings: The need for precise calibration of slicing and printing settings is evident, making the printing process more complex and time-consuming.
  • Resources

    MAMBA grasshopper script

    Ultimaker Cura

    Meshroom by AliceVision

    Josep Martí // Fab Lab Barcelona lead instructor

    Adai Suri // Fab Lab Barcelona instructor


    Download the 3D scanning and printing ZIP packages here.