Week 11 - Input devices

Capacitive touch readings through wood

Using SAMD21 microcontroller as new development board

Since electronics design, I wanted to focus with my final project board regarding capacitive touch. So I continued working with my last board to try to understand how much sensitivity I can obtain by having a wood cover.

Conclusions: the capacitive works below the wood but the values are still very random because there is no direct touch with the copper, so the major work will be experimenting with code to determine the best reading. Also I want to integrate more capacitive touch pads/functions so I will upgrade to SAMD21 to have move memory and pins.


Having that in mind, I used as reference 2 previous Fablab projects to help me understand how to develop what would be my next board. Both projects and my instructor Josep were very helpful and I was able to understand mainly the amount of components to start designing my pcb.

Frank Vloet

Quentin Bolsee

Understanding datasheet

These were some of the steps that I started with regarding electronics:

  • Research: check data sheet for SAMD21E17A to locate capacitive touch pins. I used pins: PA02, PA03, PA04, PA05 and PA06 to begin.
  • Basics: Always add a led light to confirm that the board and the sensors are working.
  • Workflow: as previous board designs, I started with KiCad for schematic layout followed by tracing + open SVG in Adobe Illustrator to invert colors and export to high quality PNG + using mods to generate code for milling boards.
  • Boot loading + programming: using Quentorres (check Adrian Torres documentation in case you need to change some setting when using SAMD21). I didnt need to but some classmates did and it solved their issues while troubleshooting.
  • Code: make a basic “blink” test in Arduino IDE using the same code for SAMD11 but adapting it to the new pins.
  • KiCAD pcb design

    Components and Connections

    The schematic is divided into several sections, each representing different parts of the circuit:

  • Power Section: Includes connectors for USB power input (P1) and voltage regulators (U3) to ensure the SAMD21 microcontroller (U2) and other components receive the correct voltage levels. The green lines represent the power traces.
  • Microcontroller (U2): The main component of the circuit is the SAMD21 microcontroller. It is connected to various headers and connectors for programming (J4) and interfacing with other components.
  • LED Strip Connections: Headers (J1, J2, J3) for connecting LED strips, each with their own power and signal lines. The connections are labeled for clarity, ensuring easy identification during assembly.
  • Pin Headers: Various pin headers (J4, J9) for connecting peripherals and external modules. These headers are strategically placed for easy access and soldering.
  • Resistors and Capacitors: Basic components such as resistors (R4, R5) and capacitors (C1, C2) are included for filtering and stabilizing the power supply and signals.

  • ***Before tracing: Set as default***

    Since It's important to change the tracing values for a correct offset between the design paths.

    Go to: File / Board Setup / Net Classes

  • Clearance: .4 mm
  • Track Width: .3 mm
  • Via Size: 1.2 mm
  • Via Hole: .8 mm
  • Traces

    1. Arrange and connect components according to schematic design.

    2. Before exporting the board check that everything is correct through the "Design Rules checker":

    3. Some of the Errors & Warnings are because I haven't drawn the outline of the board and not attached traces for the touch pads.

    4. Export board to SVG file.

    Customize board

    1. Open SVG file using Adobe Illustrator to invert colors for mods.

    2. Black: removes // White: keeps

    3. Export "Traces" and "Outline" seperatly as PNG file with 1000 dpi quality each.

    Modsproject parameters

    1. Open modsproject.org / right click anywhere / select programms / look for SRM-20 milling / select "mill 2D PCB".

    2. Upload the Tracing file that was customized.

    3. Select from the box below the option mil traces (1/64), we begin with the smallest bit to trace our design.

    4. On the "Roland SRM-20 milling machine" box we change the following settings according to the 1/64 bit:

    1. - Speed: 3 mm/s
    2. - Origin: x,y,z = 0
    3. - Jog height: 5 mm (elevation of the bit each time it moves)
    4. - Home (z): keet high just for safety of the bit

    5. On the "mill raster 2D" box, change the offset number to 4 as a default and safety tracing. This number could vary from 3 or 4.

    6. Press "Calculate" to generate a preview and automatic download of the machine's tracing path. See preview (blue lines).

    7. Upload first the Outline png file.

    8. Select from the box below the option mil outline (1/32), we continue with the bigger bit to do the final cut of the board.

    9. On the "Roland SRM-20 milling machine" box we change the following settings according to the 1/32 bit:

  • Speed: .5 mm/s (we need to lower the speed to avoid pushing the bit and breaking it)
  • 10. Press "Calculate" to generate the preview.

    Roland SRM-20 milling machine

    Setting PBC board & milling bits

    1. [First image - left] Grab PCB and apply double side tape on the non-copper face. Leave extra space for peeling the side and not affect the base leveling.

    2. [Second image - left] Open software / Set XY and Z using up/down/right/left keys until it's leveled.

    3. [Third image - right] Change bit to 1/64 since we are starting with the tracing file / Set Z carefully dropping the bit so it touches the board.

    ***IMPORTANT: Make a spindle test to ensure the bit is leveled and avoid missed cuts.

    4. On the software, select "Cut" and add the tracing file / press "Output" to start.

    Soldering components

    Common Issues and Solutions

  • Cold Joints: Caused by insufficient heat, resulting in a weak connection. Solution: Reheat the joint and apply more solder.
  • Bridging: Occurs when solder connects two adjacent pads, causing a short circuit. Solution: Use a solder wick or desoldering pump to remove excess solder.
  • Insufficient Solder: Leads to poor electrical connection. Solution: Reheat the joint and apply more solder.
  • Spiral development - Wood slots

    I worked with the same scraped wood prototype which I later trimmed using a small dremel that I found at the carpentry. I made thin slots in between each lamella of wood in order to fit the copper pads and have a better visualization of the tables aesthetics and functionality.

    From left to right you will see the thickness differences from 2.5mm - 5mm - 7.5mm. And until the very end the final outcome and appearence.

    Arduino IDE: Capacitive touch + Neopixel lighting programming

    Libraries and Definitions

    The code uses Adafruit_NeoPixel and Adafruit_FreeTouch libraries. Constants are defined for pin connections, number of LEDs and colors, velocity settings, and touch thresholds.

              #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
              #include "Adafruit_FreeTouch.h"
              #define PIN 28
              #define NUMPIXELS 18
              #define NUMCOLORS 6
              #define COLOR_CHANGE_VELOCITY 0.005
              #define SMOOTHING_VELOCITY 0.003
              #define SLIDER_VELOCITY 0.005
              #define QT1_THERSHOLD 650
              #define QT2_THERSHOLD 700
              #define QT3_THERSHOLD 550


    The NeoPixel strip and touch sensors are initialized. Variables for touch sensor states are declared.

              Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
              Adafruit_FreeTouch qt1(3, OVERSAMPLE_4, RESISTOR_50K, FREQ_MODE_NONE);
              Adafruit_FreeTouch qt2(4, OVERSAMPLE_4, RESISTOR_50K, FREQ_MODE_NONE);
              Adafruit_FreeTouch qt3(5, OVERSAMPLE_4, RESISTOR_50K, FREQ_MODE_NONE);

    Color and Pixel Data

    Arrays and variables manage LED colors and states. Colors holds RGB values for six colors. TargetColor and CurrentColor store RGB values of the target and current colors. CurrentColorIndex tracks the color index. sliderValue adjusts the number of active pixels.

              float Pixels[NUMPIXELS];
              float PixelsTarget[NUMPIXELS];
              int Colors[NUMCOLORS][3] = {
                { 255, 200, 90 },  // Orange
                { 255, 180, 50 },  // Yellow
                { 255, 50, 10 },   // Red
                { 30, 255, 30 },   // Green
                { 30, 30, 255 },   // Blue
                { 255, 255, 255 }  // White
              float TargetColor[3];
              float CurrentColor[3];
              int CurrentColorIndex;
              float sliderValue;

    Setup Function

    The setup function initializes the target color, touch sensors, and NeoPixel strip. The pixels are cleared and turned off.

              void setup() {
                CurrentColor[0] = TargetColor[0];
                CurrentColor[1] = TargetColor[1];
                CurrentColor[2] = TargetColor[2];
                pixels.setPixelColor(0, pixels.Color(0, 0, 0));

    Main Loop

    The loop function updates the LEDs based on touch input. It changes the color index if the third touch sensor is clicked, adjusts the slider value, and updates the active pixels. The current color transitions smoothly to the target color, and pixel states are recalculated.

              void loop() {
                bool touchQ1 = qt1.measure() > QT1_THERSHOLD;
                bool touchQ2 = qt2.measure() > QT2_THERSHOLD;
                if (CheckQ3Click()) {
                  CurrentColorIndex = (CurrentColorIndex + 1) % NUMCOLORS;
                if (touchQ1) { sliderValue += SLIDER_VELOCITY; }
                if (touchQ2) { sliderValue -= SLIDER_VELOCITY / 2; }
                sliderValue = constrain(sliderValue, 0, 1);
                int activePixels = sliderValue * NUMPIXELS;
                for (int i = 0; i < NUMPIXELS; i++) {
                  PixelsTarget[i] = i < activePixels ? 1 : 0;
                CurrentColor[0] = Lerp(CurrentColor[0], TargetColor[0], COLOR_CHANGE_VELOCITY);
                CurrentColor[1] = Lerp(CurrentColor[1], TargetColor[1], COLOR_CHANGE_VELOCITY);
                CurrentColor[2] = Lerp(CurrentColor[2], TargetColor[2], COLOR_CHANGE_VELOCITY);

    Helper Functions

    Helper functions manage pixel states and color transitions. RecalculateSmoothPixels adjusts pixel brightness smoothly. SetTargetColor updates the target color. CheckQ3Click handles click detection on the third touch sensor. sign and Lerp are utility functions for calculations.

              void RecalculateSmoothPixels() {
                for (int i = 1; i < NUMPIXELS; i++) {
                  float step = sign(Pixels[i] - PixelsTarget[i]) * -SMOOTHING_VELOCITY;
                  if (step > 0) { step = step / 2; }
                  Pixels[i] = constrain(Pixels[i] + step, 0, 1);
                  int intensityR = Pixels[i] * CurrentColor[0] * pow(sliderValue, 2);
                  int intensityG = Pixels[i] * CurrentColor[1] * pow(sliderValue, 2);
                  int intensityB = Pixels[i] * CurrentColor[2] * pow(sliderValue, 2);
                  pixels.setPixelColor(i, pixels.Color(intensityR, intensityG, intensityB));
                pixels.setPixelColor(0, pixels.Color(0, 0, 0));
              void SetTargetColor(int color) {
                TargetColor[0] = Colors[color][0];
                TargetColor[1] = Colors[color][1];
                TargetColor[2] = Colors[color][2];
              bool CheckQ3Click() {
                float maxBuffer = 50;
                bool isTouched = qt3.measure() > QT3_THERSHOLD;
                qt3Buffer += isTouched ? 1 : -1;
                qt3Buffer = constrain(qt3Buffer, 0, maxBuffer);
                qt3Touched = qt3Buffer > maxBuffer / 2;
                bool result = false;
                if (qt3Touched != qt3PreviouslyTouched && (qt3Touched && !qt3PreviouslyTouched)) {
                  result = true;
                qt3PreviouslyTouched = qt3Touched;
                return result;
              int sign(float x) {
                return (x > 0) - (x < 0);
              float Lerp(float start_value, float end_value, float t) {
                return (start_value + ((end_value - start_value) * t));

    Final outcome

    Its a work in progress! there are still many things to figure out regarding the way to attach the copper pads properly sloted into the wood because of the connectors.

    Group assignment

    On the link below you can find the complete process of this week's group assignment. Click here




    SAMD21J piano from Quentin Bolsee.

    Frank Vloet documentation // Fab Lab Waag

    Josep Martí // Fab Lab Barcelona lead instructor

    Adai Suri // Fab Lab Barcelona instructor


    Download the KiCAD and SVG ZIP package here.