Midterm Review
During Machine Building week we made big strides with working towards the final project.
We went though some planned imprvements on the group page which I will consider in more detail and list related task.
You can read more about my final project on my final project page.
Internal components
I originally used cogs, however they were loud and not easily adjustable. I plan to use belts instead as they are standard parts and the pullys will likly be as easy to print as the cogs.
I will also be rotating the whole machine by 90 degrees so that the motor is above the drum.
I plan to mill the outside parts of the machine from wood on the cnc router. This means I will need to redesign the bearing and motor holders as the way I made them fit was using the fact the plastic will deform to my advantage.
I did not create a base or a cover for the machine. I will need to model a base which will support the walls to stand vertically and also provide a position for the electronics to connect to.
I plan to use wildcard week to create a shell using laminates to cover the internals and that will sit flush with the outside faces of the milled walls.
I am planning to have my different hubs communicate with each other using wireless networking using esp32 c3 boards.
Networking week will hopfully give me a good understanding to build my project off of.
There needs to be inputs to control the speed, directions and a pause button for the motors.This may be on one of the nodes or a seperate piece.
We have 8 weeks until presentations begin.
Explore what inputs I want for my project also redesign the 3D internals
Use the esp32 and discover how wireless communication works
Possibility of using a app to control the machine as well as physical controls?
Use composites to cover the top of the project