Week 15, wild card week

For this week, I had to use a machine that I haven't used before. For this I decided to use the resin printer that we have.

I decided to remake some of my old mechanical hand parts that have broken. Since I already have the files ready all I needed to do was print them.

I sadly forgot to take any pictures of the printing process but I will describe it.

First I had to import the files onto a computer that was hooked up to the printer and loaded the files into the slicer that the printer uses and the software does all the rest (building the supports, placements, ect) Next I set up the printer to print and then, well, printed. After it was done printing, I had to wash off any of the remaining resin using the washing machine that we have. And finally, after that I cured the parts.

Next after the parts where safe to handle I snapped off the supports and sanded the the parts a bit

Here's how it turned out. Sadly I can't actually use the part because I didn't account for the resin pooling up in the holes so some of them don't actually fit the screws but it is what it is.