A little about me

Photo of Zach

Heya! I'm Zach Campbell. Nice of you to drop in.

I was a student at technical high school studying advanced manufacturing. CNC, CAD, and the such. I pride myself in my creative stupidity and stupid creativity. I may not make things work in a normal way but it sure as heck will be a way that you haven’t seen before. If I’m not making something, I’m probably causing some shenanigans elsewhere. The main reasons I joined Fab is simple, I love making things! I feel like this class could totaly help enable me be able to make more complex and interesting inventions! ​

My best invention so far...

The invention that I am probably the most proud of is my senior project for high school. I designed, printed, milled, and printed again a fully mechanical hand from basically scratch in really only a quarter of the time that I would normally have, mainly due to this being in the hight of covid