Week 14, interfacing and application programing

This week… This week took longer that I actually wanted it to due to me just being not the smartest with python. The code that i used was provided by my professor and most of the python code was able to just work as is. Most of the actual time that was taken up during this was actually getting my computer able to run the python.

I had to do some minor changes to both of the code so that it would work with my dev board.

On the arduino code, I just had to change the output pin from the built in LED that would be on the arduino as this code was made for that board but my dev board’s built in LED is on a different pin (on D1)

Now, the python code is where I had more trouble. I didn't actually have to edit too much on it… but what I did have to was really dumb. The entire code wasnt working and I had legitimately no idea why or how for a day. It was until I actually read the error log that I was able to find out what was wrong, heres the error I got.

It turns out that I just didn't have the right USB port… as soon as I changed an ran it, It worked perfectly

This little window (below) popped up and whatever number I clicked on, the light on my board flashed that amount of times