Week 13, Networking and comunications

Ok, so this week was actually really scuffed due to lack of materials. When I started this week, I thought I would have access to a functioning arduino but as it turned out, I was not able to get it to work. I don't know if this is because I'm using a mac without usb ports or if it was due to the arduino itself, but whatever the reason, I wasn't able to use it so I had to use one of the dev boards i've made. That brings me to my next problem… I didn't have any female to female wires, the type of wires that I would have needed. Thus, I improvised.

With that made, I crossed the Rx and Tx pins of my board and loaded a sending code onto one of them and a receiving code onto the other. both codes were made with the help of ChatGPT and a premade code provided by my professor

Now the final reason this is scuffed is this

What the receiving side was able to receive was absolute garbage, but it does mean that I was receiving something so I will take it given my circumstances. I wasn't actually able to get anything to work, I don't know what the cause for this was but I tried to fix it and nothing I did actually worked. With all that in mind, I definitely would have liked to get this working but I don't think I would have been able to with my current knowledge and accessible resources.