Week 11, Mechanical and machine design

This week was a group week so I will cover the part of the work that I did

Our group project was a toy dinosaur game inspired by the game “crocodile dentist” where you push down on buttons and if you push the wrong one, the mouth snaps shut. Anyway, my job was to do the mechanical relations for the dino.

We decided for the closing mechanism to rely on gravity to close the jaw. For this, I designed kind of like a ratchet looking type joint relying on a servo where the servo pushes stop bar and when it passes a certain distance, the servo disengages with the stopping bar and the jaw closes

This week was a group week so I will cover the part of the work that I did

Our group project was a toy dinosaur game inspired by the game “crocodile dentist” where you push down on buttons and if you push the wrong one, the mouth snaps shut. Anyway, my job was to do the mechanical relations for the dino.

We decided for the closing mechanism to rely on gravity to close the jaw. For this, I designed kind of like a ratchet looking type joint relying on a servo where the servo pushes stop bar and when it passes a certain distance, the servo disengages with the stopping bar and the jaw closes

I also designed the part that would hold the servo as well as the hinges that would connect the top and bottom jaw together.