Week 17. Invention, intellectual property and income

Presentation (DRAFT)

You can view my draft presentation here

Invention: "The Green Guardian"

Key Components:

Design and Fabrication:
Electronics Design and Production:
Embedded Microcontroller Interfacing and Programming:
System Integration and Packaging:

In summary, my invention, "The Green Guardian," is an intelligent system that uses advanced sensors, embedded systems, and creative design to enable plant owners to monitor and respond to the moisture needs of their plants effectively.

Intellectual Property

I decided to use https://chooser-beta.creativecommons.org/. Creative Commons (CC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to facilitating the sharing of knowledge and culture. It provides free licenses that allow creators to specify how their work can be used by others while retaining copyright. People use CC licenses to enable the sharing and reuse of creative work under standardized terms, making it easier for creators to grant permission to the public to use their work. It's very easy to use and takes you step by step through the process of deciding what type of license you need.

The Green Guardian by Nikki Stancampiano is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

This is what the site looks like:

Creative Commons

Dissemeniation Plan

A dissemination plan is my strategic roadmap for creating awareness and sharing information about "The Green Guardian." It's about reaching the right audience, being transparent about funding, ensuring intellectual property protection, and outlining our engagement strategies. This plan is crucial for establishing trust, attracting users, and fostering collaboration.

Target Audience:

"The Green Guardian" is designed for environmentally conscious individuals, gardening enthusiasts, and anyone interested in sustainable living. Our communication strategies will be tailored to resonate with this audience, addressing their concerns and interests.

Funding Sources:

"The Green Guardian" is currently funded through a combination of personal investment and PAST Foundation funds. In the future, I might tap into potential grants from environmental initiatives or eduactional programs.

Below is an outline of my dissemination plan:

Week 1-2: Project Documentation

Week 3-4: Video Demonstration

Week 5-6: Social Media Presence

Week 7-8: Website Development

Week 9-10: Collaborate and Present

Week 11-12: Local Media Outreach

Week 13-14: Networking and Partnerships

Week 15-16: Online Platforms and Competitions

Week 17-18: User Engagement

Week 19-20: Continuous Updates

Ongoing: Long-Term Engagement

Future Opportunity

One possible future opportunity is to partner with the PAST Foundation (my place of work) to develop an enriching student program within our agricultural pathway. In this program, participants embark on a hands-on STEM journey by creating their personalized iterations of "The Green Guardian." This program is designed to immerse students in interdisciplinary learning, spanning electronics, programming, and environmental science. By integrating sensors calibrated for varying moisture levels, students will experiment with different plant species to decipher optimal care routines. The initiative aims to nurture innovation and problem-solving skills, encouraging students to think critically about sustainable agriculture. The collaborative learning environment fosters teamwork, while the real-world application of STEM concepts instills a sense of environmental responsibility. Outcomes include the acquisition of technical skills, heightened environmental awareness, and career exploration opportunities within STEM fields related to agriculture. Implementation involves curriculum development, resource allocation, educator training, and student recruitment, with a focus on continuous support and feedback. This comprehensive program not only enriches students' educational experiences but also aligns with broader objectives of STEM literacy and environmental consciousness within the agricultural domain.