1. Project management

This week I worked on defining my final project idea and started to getting used to the documentation process.

Process of Preparing Website Development Tools

Download Python 3.11: https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-3110/

Then open IDLE

IDLE Process

Install Homebrew: https://brew.sh/

Copy the text from installation page:


Then open “Terminal” and paste the text:


Download GIT: https://git-scm.com/downloads


Final Project Brainstorm

This week I explored several ideas for a final project. One idea I came up with is to create a robotic hand.

Robotic Hand Brainstorm

For my final project, one idea I have is to make a robotic hand that can make gestures and pick things up. I have done this activity with students where we use readily available consumable materials to build an articulated hand that can pick items up, and I think it would be a neat challenge to try and automate the hand.

Cardboard prototype: Photo of Prototype Photo of Prototype 2 CAD Model (in progress): Photo of CAD v1

House Model

Another idea I have is to create a model of a home that I am renovating. I will use this to plan the installation of countertops, appliances, furniture, amount of material needed for drywall, paint, flooring, location of electrical outlets and can lights etc.

Ultimately, I decided to take this approach because there are many projects throughout this course that I can apply towards my home renovation process, and it seems timely and relevant.

Learn more about my final project below: