Project development
Assignment activities:
Complete your final project, tracking your progress: what tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain? what's working? what's not? what questions need to be resolved? what will happen when? what have you learned?
What tasks have been completed
1.Examine the project strategy
2.Summarize the project's main points
3.Design all necessaries parts of project
4.Testing all components will be used
5.Use time management techniques.
What tasks remain?
For the time being, I'm going to concentrate on the embedded programming side In order to increase my skills on it.
What's working? what's not?
During my working on my project all my plans where working well as i planed before. But light wosn't working becouse the matter of time.
Timeline For my Time management
1.1st june designing and pcb design
2.2nd june solidWorks design of project
3.3rd june starting codes and programming
4.4th starting cutting with cnc
5.5th starting assembling project
6.6th programming process and finishing codes
7.7th working with electronics and programming
8.8th preparing and getting ready for presentation and checking everything

Here below i used

What tasks have been completed?
1.Buying tools and materials
2.Designing PCB and milling board
3.soldering and testing codes
4.3d printing
5.soldering wires to leds
6.testing the leds and debugging the codes
7.cutting the frame on cnc
9.Final project presentation
What questions need to be resolved?
Integration of Technology: By incorporating digital display technology into a shelf-mounted clock, the project demonstrates the integration of technology into everyday objects. This fusion of traditional timekeeping with digital capabilities showcases the potential for technology to enhance and modernize even the simplest of devices.
Enhanced User Experience: The Digital Shelf Edge Clock project aims to improve the shopping experience by providing shoppers with a convenient way to keep track of time while in a store. This innovative approach considers the needs and preferences of customers, prioritizing their convenience and ensuring they can efficiently manage their time during their shopping trips.
Chenging and increasing the smartiness of given place(interial decoration)
What will happen when?
It is quite difficult to plan a development timeline because it is heavily influenced by the availability of cash or sponsorships. The first deadline will be the local evaluation in June because no one will upload any documentation after this date. The second deadline is the end of June.
What have you learned?
Aside from technical skills, the most important thing I learned at the Fab Academy was how to fail. Everyone claims to understand that failure is inevitable and beneficial, that you learn from your mistakes, and so on, yet no one wants to fail. It appears that everyone realizes that everyone else fails but them.