Computer controlled cutting

Work to be done:

# cut something on the vinylcutter

# design, lasercut, and document a parametric construction kit, accounting for the lasercutter kerf.

# group assignment: characterize your lasercutter's focus, power, speed, rate, kerf, joint clearance and types

Group Assignment:

If you want to explore our group Assignment Click below

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  • Individual Assignment:

    1.Design, lasercut, and document a parametric construction kit, accounting for the lasercutter width,which can be assembled in multiple ways

    2.Cut something on the vinylcutter


    Computer-controlled cutting, also known as digital fabrication, is the process of using computer-controlled tools to cut or shape materials such as wood, metal, plastic, and paper. This technology has revolutionized the way we create products, allowing us to produce precise and complex designs with ease. The process typically involves creating a digital design using computer-aided design (CAD) software. The design is then sent to a computer-controlled cutting machine, such as a CNC router or laser cutter, which follows the design to cut or engrave the material. Computer-controlled cutting is used in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, architecture, fashion, and art. It allows for greater precision, speed, and efficiency compared to traditional methods of cutting and shaping materials by hand.


    1.Laser source: This is the part of the machine that generates the laser beam. It typically consists of a gas, such as carbon dioxide, that is excited by an electrical charge to produce a high-powered laser.

    2.Optics: The laser beam is directed and focused using a series of mirrors and lenses. The optics help to ensure that the laser is precisely focused on the material being cut or engraved.

    3.Workbed: This is the platform on which the material being cut or engraved is placed. It is typically made of metal or another durable material and may be adjustable in height to accommodate different material thicknesses

    4.Cutting head: This is the part of the machine that contains the laser and moves over the material to make cuts or engravings. It may be controlled by a computer program to create complex designs and shapes.

    5.Exhaust system: Laser cutting produces fumes and smoke, so the machine typically includes an exhaust system to remove these byproducts from the cutting area.

    6.Control panel: The control panel allows the user to set parameters such as the speed and power of the laser, as well as control the movement of the cutting head.

    7.Cooling system: Laser cutting generates a significant amount of heat, so the machine typically includes a cooling system to prevent overheating and maintain the accuracy of the cutting process.


    1.Design creation: The first step is to create a digital design using computer-aided design (CAD) software. The design can be created from scratch or imported from a file

    2.Material preparation: The material to be cut or engraved is prepared and placed on the workbed of the laser cutter. The material must be able to withstand the heat and intensity of the laser beam.

    3.Laser setup: The laser cutter is set up with the appropriate settings, such as laser power and cutting speed, based on the material being used.

    4.Laser cutting: The laser cutter is activated, and the laser beam is directed and focused onto the material. As the laser moves over the material, it melts, vaporizes or burns away a thin layer, creating the desired cut or engraving.

    5.Finished product: Once the cutting process is complete, the material is removed from the workbed, and any excess material is cleaned off.

    Here is the image of our laser cutter machine

    Below is a link of more about our lasercutter or where u can shop laser cutter machine