Principles and Practices, Project Management and web Development

Building Personal website

The first week project was about building the personal website with purely htm,css and javascript. as we have not enough time to built the web from scatch i decided to edit my web.

Editing template process

I prefered to use Visual studio code as code editor that is popular and which has many plugins that are essentials in web development so that i will keep using it after fabacademy.

This is the process i used to have working visuals code in my window computer

I learn from the tutorial on how getting started with visual studio code via

  • here
  • Here i click download button to download the app

    After visiting that web , i use the following steps to downlaod and install it:

    1.Go to the Visual Studio Code website

  • here
  • and click on the "Download for windows" button.

    2.Once the download is complete, open the .dmg file and drag the "Visual Studio Code" app to the "Applications" folder.

    3.Open the "Applications" folder and double-click the "Visual Studio Code" app to launch the program.

    4.If you would like to make Visual Studio Code your default editor for certain file types, go to "Visual Studio Code" in the top menu, then "Preferences" and then "Settings" and then search for "editor" and then select "Editor: Assocations".

    5.A tutorial on getting started with Visual Studio Code can be found on the Microsoft website

  • here
  • 6.Alternatively, you can also install Visual Studio Code via command line by using the command :

    1.Installing and Downloading GitLab

    1.1 Defining GIT

    Git is a distributed version control system for software development that allows developers to keep track of changes made to their code over time, collaborate with others on the same codebase, and maintain multiple versions of their code.

    You can get the documentation about git via

  • here
  • How it's works:

    1.Git stores code changes as a series of snapshots, rather than storing each version as a separate file.

    2.It allows multiple developers to work on the same codebase simultaneously.

    3.It tracks and manages changes made to the code, allowing you to revert to previous versions if necessary.

    1.2 Defining GitLab

    GitLab is a web-based Git repository manager that provides a complete DevOps platform for software development teams to manage their code, collaborate on projects, and automate their software delivery pipelines.

    1.3 Steps of Installing GitLab

    The first thing that we need is to install “Git” in our computer. You go to your browser and then go git website and download the app in order to install the software offline. Just leave everything by default. If you are working with windows, you will see that the software installs “Git Bash”. This will be the interface, our command line, which we will use to communicate with our online repository in GitLab.below is the link to lead you to the website of git lab.