Max Matus´ fabacademy

Week 1. Principles and practices

Assignment: Plan and sketch a potential final project

Project management with git is a must to have register all the steps I followed to develop my final project for the Fab Academy. “Git is a distributed version control system, which means that a local clone of the project is a complete version control repository. These fully functional local repositories make it easy to work offline or remotely. Developers commit their work locally, and then sync their copy of the repository with the copy on the server.” Source

Instalation of git Bash and Visual Studio

This week I worked on defining my final project idea and started to getting used to the documentation process. What I did fisrt was to instal Git and Visual Studio in my computer. I instaled the lastest versions of both programs. I followed the instruction of my local instructors at Puebla Fab Lab in order to set up a repository in my computer and conecting it to my gitlab page. However it was kind of dificult for me because Git bash asked me for an identification and I did not understand that I required both, the mail that I registered with at GidLab and my name. After many tryes and the help of my local instructors I finaly understood the problem and manage to conect the repository with the clone option offere by SSH. For doing that I had to generate a key. As I understood the SSH option is more secure than the HTTPS option that I was using at the begining and suposed to be more easy to use.

Weekely Assignment: plan and sketch a potential final project

This week I started the conceptualization of my final project Chupa Ladxiduá: The inter-semiotic translation of a book into a digitalized object-book to promote Zapotec literacy

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